Thursday, 17 July 2014

Friday 18th July 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Unbelievably, today marks my final edition of the newsletter as I prepare to leave the building one final time next Tuesday. Whilst I am excited about my new venture in Barnsley, leaving Cookridge is obviously an act that I undertake with sadness. It has been an absolute privilege to lead this wonderful school since 2011 and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of all of your lives, if only for a short while. I have worked with very many dedicated friends and colleagues whom I have admired greatly for their individual special qualities. I have worked alongside hardworking and dedicated governors. I have met wonderful parents whose support I have always been very grateful for. But most of all – I have met the most fantastic bunch of children I could ever have imagined and I will miss each and every one of them greatly in the months ahead. Cookridge children are unique, a fact that I recognised immediately I stepped into the building before even deciding to apply for the job! They are full of confidence, spirit and spark and their positive energy, enthusiasm for life and learning and their wonderful, warm friendliness fills the atmosphere. I have not taken very many ‘quiet’ walks around school during the past three years, for I have always been greeted with enthusiastic ‘hello’s’ and news of what they are up to. My office has never been a quiet sanctuary, for it has most often been bursting at the seams with children collecting their head teacher’s awards, again bursting with news of their success.  Even assemblies, notorious for their silence, have rarely been so at Cookridge, for I have loved hearing every tit-bit of news your children have shared with me throughout the years – even as they come into assembly in supposed ‘silence’! So, when I leave the building on Tuesday I do so with a great sense of pride in everything they have achieved and a great sense of certainty that your children will continue to fill that big old building with joy and laughter, will continue to charm the new staff beginning in September and will absolutely continue to be loved by the new staff team as they have been by us all – it is impossible not to! I have asked them to remember just one of the many things I have told them during the past three years for it is something I truly believe – our young people have the world at their feet and they can be whatever they want to be in life: the future is theirs to craft and I wish them every happiness in their individual journeys. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful children with me. I wish you all my love and good luck for the future.


‘Be Brilliant’ Wednesday

Wednesday brought bright sunshine, balls, butterflies, bees, and hundreds of bikes to school; all with one intention - to raise awareness and funds for the Battens Disease Family Association. The exercise bike in the hall was busy all day with children desperately cycling away, clocking up the miles. We managed to cycle 44 miles in total which could get us all the way to Barnsley and BACK! The Pinnacle catering staff created some excellent 'B' fayre, there were burgers, brownies, bogies (just kidding!), and broccoli - all delicious and all part of a brilliant day. We collected money in buckets and sold buns for bunce, and we couldn't have done any of it without your contributions, so if you baked a bun, wore a wrist band, rode a bike, had a butterfly painted on your face then THANK YOU! Your hard work is much appreciated because we raised an incredible £707.94 for this wonderful cause, which is especially close to our hearts knowing and loving Ellie-Mae as we do, and welcoming Caleb to the crew in September, too. One million thanks to Miss Hobson and Mr Gamble for being their brilliant selves and bringing FUN to Cookridge all day on Wednesday, to the entire staff team who helped the day go with a bang and thank you to you all for joining in this fun event, giving freely your buns and pennies and showing your support to a family in your community  – you were truly brilliant. Congratulations to Ali Adoul who won the £30 love to shop vouchers and to Hannah Stratton who won the family museum ticket.

Universal Free School Meals

From September all children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to enjoy a school meal completely free of charge as part of the Government initiative announced last year. This is great news as we know how good the quality of our school dinners is and would love more children to enjoy them! If you would like your child/children to continue or to start to have a school meal in September please return the slip sent out 20th June to the office. If we do not receive your slip or a note we will presume you require a PACKED LUNCH.School meal prices for the rest of school have a slight increase to £2.00 (Year 3 & 4) and £2.05 (Year 5 & 6) per day. If you have any dinner monies outstanding, please settle by Tuesday so you can start the new school year afresh. Thank you.


FREE Family Fun summer sessions

If you are looking for places to go during the long summer break, look no further. The Family Fun sessions below include outdoor games, building and making things and lots more! No booking needed - just come along and join the fun! Further information is available on ESNW website:

Session 1 Wednesday, 23rd July 1 -3 at Holy Name Primary School

Session 2 Wednesday 30th July 1-3 at Holt Park, off Farrar Lane

Session 3 Wednesday 6th August 1 -3 at Ralph Thoresby School

Session 4 Wednesday 13th August 1 -3 at Silk Mill Bank

Session 5 Wednesday 20th August 1-3 at Ralph Thoresby School


Sports News

Y5/6 Rounders - Last night some pupils from Year 5/6 competed in a rounders competition at Ireland wood Primary School where we finished second. There were some superb batting skills on display with Mackenzie Turner, Liam Jones, Matty Caines, Nathan Brown and Matthew Hampshire all hitting numerous rounders throughout the event. Willow Driscoll-Duke proved a fantastic bowler (with less than 24hours notice) and Sophie Russell was a reliable fielder who manned third base expertly. Charlotte Shields and Cecy Mwashako also fielded well, with a super catch each and overall it was a fantastic team effort in stifling heat. Thank you to all the parents who turned up and supported the children in the event, it really does make competitions that bit more special for each child!


Across the course of this year, sports at Cookridge really has become a very strong feature of our school and I have two people to thank for that: Mr Gamble and Mrs Woods have formed a formidable team and have offered very many opportunities for our pupils to compete in local competitions. They are currently taking delivery of brand spanking new kit for our competitors to wear at events and I am confident that, under their leadership, sports will continue to flourish. Many thanks to both of them for the enthusiasm they bring to this aspect of school and for the hours invested in your children’s sporting endeavours.



Please make use of next year’s term dates, available on the website, when booking holidays for the year ahead: . Let me also remind you of the training days set for the coming year:

Monday 1st September 2014

Tuesday 2nd September 2014

Friday 24th October 2014

Thursday 2nd April 2015

Friday 26th June 2015


So, once we break up on Tuesday, pupils return to school on Wednesday 3rd September after a long and sunny summer (fingers crossed!)


Next Week…

Just a couple of key events next week (phew!) with Monday’s Leavers Coffee Morning 9-10 (please come along if you can) and Leavers Lunch with the children (featuring an extra special, secret surprise!)


Tuesday is all about Y6 as they prepare to leave Cookridge behind them for their next adventure. Leavers Assembly begins at 2pm on Tuesday 22nd July. It will be a sad day as we wave off this bunch of fantastic young people... My final line in my final newsletter at Cookridge is dedicated to you guys: you have been incredible and I have never been more proud of anyone than I am of you lot as you set sail for pastures new: good luck, you motley crew! ;0)


Have a wonderful weekend,

Sam Bailey