Friday, 27 April 2012

Friday 27th April 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,                                                                 

This week, we have had lots more rain but have – at least – managed to get outside a little bit! This is not the April weather we had hoped for... Fingers crossed for May!

School Improvements
We have taken delivery this week of some new equipment for the dining hall – a state of the art clearing station, cutlery rack and salad bar. Over Easter, we took delivery of additional dining tables and are now able to seat all of our children within 20 minutes of ‘service’ at lunchtime – which is great. Our brilliant school meals service, provided by Pinnacle, have launched a new menu that has offered pizza, chicken wraps and a simply divine range of deserts. The children are joined for lunch each day by a range of teachers who regularly dine with the children and everyone who takes a school meal comments on the quality of the food on offer. The children - cottoning on to this ’improvement’ agenda - have now requested lidded jugs at the table with iced water... It is marvellous to engage the children in conversation about the ways in which they would like to see their school improved. I have asked the children to share their ideas with me about lunchtimes – and any other aspect of school - via the website message board and there are already some interesting ideas emerging.. In assembly on Monday morning, I also asked the children to tell us what they want to learn about as we begin the exciting task of planning for the next 6 years of learning for our youngest pupils. I have also spent the week engaged with various contractors about playground developments and minor alterations to some of the rooms in school – work to be undertaken over the summer.

If you have any suggestions for ways in which we can improve, please do use the message board to leave your comments – it is great that we all have the opportunity to shape the future of our school and create something truly spectacular.

Jubilee News
On Friday 1st June - the last day of this half term - we will be celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. All children are invited to take a special ‘themed’ school meal on this day – we will be eating a range of assorted sandwiches, cheese and onion rolls, pizza fingers and iced fingers in a traditional ‘street party’ – exporting all of the dining furniture out in the school playground! If your child would like to have a school meal on this day the cost will be £1.85 for Reception to Year 4 and £1.90 for Years 5 and 6. Please send payment to Mrs Hyde marked ‘Jubilee School Meal’ by Monday 14th May. We are still working on the finer details of the celebration across the day, but it is hoped that many of you may be able to join us for the lunchtime ‘street party’ and sing-a-long.

Trust Status
Local schools in the area are looking into the possibility of working more closely together to form a ‘Cooperative Trust’ or learning partnership. Next week, we will be beginning an official consultation process which will be seeking your views about this through questionnaires and parent meetings. More information will be sent home early next week and full documentation live on the website at noon on Wednesday, when the consultation officially begins. Please look out for this information and take the time to share your views.

Polling Station
Next Thursday – 3rd May - school will be used as a polling station for the local elections and will be open from 6.30am to 10pm for these purposes. The Y6 classroom will be used for the day, and Y6 should enter school via the hall on that day.

Sports News
The Year 5/6 team travelled to reigning champions Adel on Tuesday and, despite playing well, lost 1-6. Even the Adel teacher commented on the quality of play and said the score line did not reflect the match. Our players showed determination and bravery... Every tackle was fiercely contested and there were some bumps, bruises and sore limbs the day after. The Cookridge goal was scored by Faisal Alqahtani, who was a very close runner up for the man of the match award. Instead it was awarded to Elliott Coultas as without him producing save after save and his good goal kicking, the score line might have been worse! Year 5/6 play their last league game of the season next Thursday at home to Ireland Wood. We MUST win if we are to have a chance of finishing second and qualifying for the quarter-finals. Please come and cheer them on!!

Parent Connections
Mrs Smith is currently exploring grants for funding available for Community purposes that we may be able to access. She is particularly keen to hear from any parent who works for First Direct bank, as we are aware that funding can be accessed by schools where they have a parent who is employed by the bank. If any parents work for companies whom they know supports schools in this way, we really do want to hear from you! We have big plans for the school and the more funding we can access, the faster we can make it happen!

Funtime Club and Little Sunshine’s Pre-School Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting for Cookridge Funtime Club will be held on Thursday 24th May at 5.30pm in the Community Room here at school (duration approximately 1 hour). Any parents that use either

pre-school or the before and after school club are very welcome to attend as well as anyone thinking of using these facilities in the next school year. The settings are run by a small committee of volunteer parents. Committee members will cover developments and improvements that have been made to the club over the past year and any plans for the future. It is an opportunity for you to learn more about how things are run and ask any questions about the settings. Refreshments and childcare will be provided at the meeting. If you can, then please let Ann Sadler in Funtime or Julie Bird in Pre-school know in advance if you are attending.

Our attendance this week was 97% and is well above our Local Authority attendance target of 95% this year. Brilliant – and thank you. Please continue to make your child’s attendance at school a priority and ensure that whenever they are fit and well enough to do so, they are in school. Overall this year – September to April – we are at 95.3%. We are aiming to exceed all expectations this year to achieve 96% - so keep up the great work in getting your children into school every day... If we are able to sustain a figure of 97% or more over the summer months, it is entirely possible that we achieve our personal target this year. I cannot do it without you! 

Coffee Morning
The next coffee morning has arrived! If you are free for an hour on Wednesday 2nd May, 9-10 come along to the community room for a chance to catch up with some friendly faces. Amongst them next week will be Mrs Smith, our new Assistant Head teacher, who is eager to meet as many parents as possible in the coming months.  We are looking to find out your views about the curriculum. What do YOU want your children to be learning in school? If you have a view – come and share it!

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Bailey