Friday, 11 May 2012

Friday 11th May 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,                                                               

To say this was only a 4 day week, we have certainly crammed a lot in! As well as a busy and productive 4 days in class, we’ve had several meetings to discuss the Trust proposals, I’ve met with several companies to discuss our Summer plans for the playground, we had a photographer in school on Wednesday to capture some fabulous shots for our brand new school prospectus and we’ve had a very special visitor in school to help us in our endeavour to become the best school in the country....

Debbie Hepplewhite: Phonics Royalty
On Thursday and Friday this week we were privileged to welcome Debbie Hepplewhite into school. Debbie has worked with Oxford University Press to develop a range of systematic synthetic phonics resources which we are now using in school. She has also worked with the Government to advise about best practice and is involved in the training of hundreds of teachers nationally in this field. This is the third day that Debbie has spent with us and she observed and gave feedback about our current phonics sessions, as well as leading model sessions in class – with as many of our teaching team as we could fit in one room at once! This really has been the Rolls Royce of training experiences, and we are delighted that Debbie is so impressed with the determination and work ethic of staff and pupils at Cookridge that she has asked us to continue to work with her with a view to us becoming a model school, demonstrating outstanding practice in this field. Since its launch in January, the synthetic phonics sessions have already had a dramatic impact on reading and writing across school and we are very excited about the practical implications of such a simple and effective tool in our armoury. We all recognise that our aspiration to be exceptional is the first step in our journey and I feel that we travelled a few extra miles in that journey with Debbie’s advice and support this week. My thanks to the teaching teams who entered into the rigorous dialogue and invested a further two hours of their time in staff training after school – this is not ordinary commitment we are seeing here, and will lead to great things!

Stephen Lawrence Award
Last week’s post brought some fabulous news: we received our Stephen Lawrence Award! The staff and children have worked very hard towards this accolade for many years, and it is testament to the calibre of the International School Council and the work led by Mrs Speak that it was recognised not only by Ofsted but also by the judges who visited to assess us for the SLA as an outstanding, embedded and thriving element of our school. Well done to all of those involved in this achievement, and particular thanks to Mrs Speak who continues to develop excellent opportunities for our children to develop global understanding.

Friends ‘PTA’ Meeting
The next meeting of the Friends of Cookridge will be on Thursday 17th May at 6.30pm. Please come along if you have an hour to spare. We have one further event to organise – the acclaimed Summer Fayre – and it is not too late to get involved this year and form part of the PTA going forward into 2012-13. Events such as these are only as good as the volunteers who come forward to shape them, so please come along if you are able to get involved.

School Access – Pupils should enter school each morning via the school playground. Please note - if the playground gates are open then the doors into school are still open.

Sporting Dates for the diary:
Monday 21st May Year 5/6 Cricket Competition at Horsforth CC.
Monday 28th May Year 5/6 Armitage Cup competition at Calverley Parkside Primary.
Thursday 31st May Year 5/6 Ubunye Cup competition at Ireland Wood Primary.

Trust Status
On Wednesday, only 11 parents attended the information meeting about the proposal to form a Cooperative Trust with local schools Ralph Thoresby, Iveson and Ireland Wood. I appeal to more parents to voice their views on this proposal through return of the parent questionnaires, available at the office or to download if you have lost yours. This and further information is available to download on the school website The views expressed in the returned questionnaires will form the basis of the Governing Body’s next decision. If we do not gather parents’ views, then we are likely to assume parents are happy with the proposals and may – on that basis – move into the next, formal stage of the process. Please do not miss your opportunity to have your say.

Our attendance this week was a fabulous 96.6% and is again above our Local Authority attendance target of 95% this year. Overall this year – September to April – we are at 95.4%. We are aiming to exceed all expectations this year to achieve 96% If we are able to sustain a figure of 97% or more over the summer months, it is entirely possible that we achieve our personal target this year and – more importantly – that our children are getting the primary school experience they need which is inextricably intertwined with academic success through to GCSE and beyond. Please continue to give your child the opportunity they need to succeed by ensuring they are in school every day.

Jubilee News
Plans for the Jubilee Celebration are beginning to take shape! We will celebrate this momentous occasion on Friday 1st June with a ‘street’ party, and all children are invited to take a special ‘themed’ school meal on this day. Please send payment to Mrs Hyde marked ‘Jubilee School Meal’ by Monday 14th May. Children will participate in a range of activities across the course of the day – top secret (or unknown?!) at this point – but what we do know is that you should begin looking for red, white and blue clothing for your child to wear on the day, and pencil in an hour or two of your time, for we are hoping to make a bit of a community event of things!

Summer dates for your diary:
Thursday 24th May:                             Tempest photographers in school – class and team photos

                                                            Funtime Club & Pre-School AGM – Community Room @ 5.30

Wednesday 30th May:                         Coffee morning

Friday 1st June:                                   Break up for Half term

Monday 2nd July:                                 Meet the new teacher morning, plus parent meetings @ 3.10

Thursday 12th July:                              Sports Day

Monday 9th July & Tuesday 10th July:  Year 6 Production

Friday 20th July:                                    Year 6 Leavers Assembly, 2pm

Monday 23rd July:                                 Training Day – School closed

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Bailey