Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Greg Mulholland visits Cookridge Primary School

Do you remember when our local MP Greg Mulholland visited us? He's done a few things for us lately...

First of all, he visited with ASDA to donate a Kwik Cricket set to US!! For US to play with and to use for many years...

Then, he came back again for our Jubilee celebrations. He joined us for lunch and everything! He also planted our commemorative tree for the Jubilee - I'm glad he was able to dig that enormous hole. I am sure our tree will thrive - be sure to look after it in our playground until it grows big and strong.

Greg tweeted about our Queen's knickers and the next thing we knew - Calendar newsdesk were on the phone!! They wanted to see what we were up to, came along and SOME LUCKY PEOPLE from our school WERE EVEN ON THE TELLY!!!! Thanks, Greg. Here's your knicker design... Very nice, too.

And Cookridge Primary are now forever on his blog - look!

Jubilee Tree planting with Greg

Kwik Cricket

So.. Let's put Greg on our blog in return! He's back with us in a few weeks time to work with Y6 before they go to London to see the Houses of Parliament.