Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Friday 29th June 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

This has been far from a regular week in school!! With Mexican visitors Pilar and Tere, an astonishing International Cookridge Week complete with fashion show, Cultural Cabaret and World Cafe AND artist Lee Threadgold in school for three days working with the Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils to  make the MOST ENORMOUS puppets I have ever seen – we certainly have not been bored! My thanks to Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Speak and Mr El Sayed for the preparation and organisation which has gone on behind the scenes to organise these aspects for our children, and to the many parents who have worked hard to make International Cookridge Week so unique. Next week, we have two days orchestra workshop and an author in school working with young writers drawn from our and local schools. Life is not dull at Cookridge!

Class Organisation 2012-13
You should, this week, have received a letter informing you which class your child will be in next year. It is important that the transition work begins now and that you talk to your child about their new classmates and teaching teams – this is an exciting time and one which should be talked about! Remember that your child will be spending the morning in their new class base on Monday morning and I am confident they will have a lot to tell you about at the end of the day. There is also the opportunity for your child to show you to their new classroom at the end of the school day so that you, too, can meet and chat with the class teacher and find out some useful housekeeping information. Please come into school and find out who’s who and what’s what!

Training Days 2012-13
Next year’s training days have been agreed and I would like to give you advance notice of all five dates for the year ahead. School will be closed for staff training on:

Monday 3rd September 2012

Tuesday 4th September 2012

Friday 26th October 2012

Monday 15th April 2013

Friday 5th July 2013

Children should therefore return to school on Wednesday 5th September 2012 and will break up for the Summer next year on Tuesday 23rd July 2013. The full school calendar is available to view via the website or via the Leeds City Council website on . Please support our city wide aim to improve attendance by taking note of the holiday dates and additional training days and plan holidays within these dates.

Sports News
Thank you for the fantastic response to the after school sports clubs for the next school year. Many clubs are full or nearly full and some have a waiting list! However, there are still spaces available for some clubs and an extra club has been added to cater for demand. The children who this affects have taken home a further letter today which provides details of these clubs and the spaces available. It is not too late to sign up - see Mrs Hyde or Mr Gamble for details.

On Tuesday, 9 enthusiastic rounders players from Year 6 travelled to Ireland Wood for the AWSSA Rounders Competition. Despite some good batting from Georgia Thompson and some great catches from Parsa Sahree, we lost in the semi-final to Ireland Wood.

Monday 2nd July - Year 3/4 Football Competition, Leo Jones Trophy @ Queensway Primary, Yeadon.
Saturday 7th July - Year 5/6 Athletics Competition @ Leeds Met.

Tuesday 10th July- Year 5/6 Football Quarter-Final vs Yeadon Westfield @ Cookridge Primary.

Donkey Sanctuary Summer Fair Swan Lane, Off Blackhill Lane, Eccup, Leeds LS16 8AZ
Several of our children are lucky enough to visit the Donkey Sanctuary in Eccup each month, and – as you can imagine - it is a very popular part of their curriculum. The sanctuary do not charge for donkey riding therapy and rely entirely on charitable donations to allow them to run the centre. They are holding their biggest fundraising event of the year - the Summer Fair  - on Sunday 8th July from 11am to 4pm. The event is a great day out for the whole family with arena displays, children’s entertainment, craft stands, delicious food and drinks and of course 18 gorgeous donkeys to meet. This year, Peppa Pig and Ronnie the Rhino are making guest appearances on the day. If you are able to go along and support this excellent facility which serves children right across Leeds, bob along and have some fun!

This week’s attendance is thankfully an improvement on last week’s at 93.5% and our year to date %age remains 95.4% The benchmark for a ‘satisfactory’ (or ‘requires improvement’) Ofsted judgement is 94% and so our figure this week is once again disappointing. Our Local Authority agreed target this year of 95% is one which would see us into a ‘good’ judgement for the first time in many years. I remain optimistic that we can exceed this target in the three remaining weeks of term and would ask you to please continue to support us in our endeavour. Next week, our 100% attendees will receive their certificate for the year and their letter inviting them to attend the 100% attendance trip in the penultimate week of term. 10 lucky pupils who have achieved the 95% benchmark will also be entered into a ‘chancer’ draw and will also be invited to celebrate this achievement with us.

Governors News
After 20 years of service and many years as Chair of Governors, Mr Gathercole has taken the decision to retire from the Governing Body. This does not mean that he is retiring from his other, paid roles – indeed additional work commitments have actually led to his decision. On behalf of the school community, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Gathercole for his many years of dedicated service. Pete has been a champion of the school through the years and has voluntarily attended the Y6 Buckden Residential, forming strong relationships with countless pupils as they embarked upon – for many - their biggest adventure. Mr Vijay Sharma has been elected Chair of Governors during the Summer term, a position which will be formalised in September when the new Governing Body are convened. There is likely to be an opportunity for new Parent Governors to join the Governing Body in the new school year and I would strongly recommend anyone who might be interested and able to support the school through this vital role to get in touch - I would be happy to provide additional information.

Sports Day 2012
Sports Day will take place on Thursday 12th July 2012. Reception and KS1 parents who are able to spectate should make their way to the school field for a 10am start. KS2 parents should arrive from 1.00pm and will be treated to an Olympics style opening ceremony complete with these GINORMOUS puppets!!

Summer Fayre
Don’t forget – tomorrow is the Summer Fayre and we are really hoping that the weather stays fair and that we see you there. We are collecting money for the playground installation this year – selected by the children. This ‘pick up sticks’ climbing apparatus costs £6, 500 to install, so we really need to make it a great Summer Fayre if we are able to meet the children’s demands! Please come along and have some fun with your family whilst supporting your child’s school. Parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles – everyone is welcome and no contribution is too small! See you there....

Mrs Bailey