Thursday, 27 September 2012

Friday 28th September 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week and next, I have the privilege of observing numeracy teaching and learning in every class across school. This is fantastic in so many ways – it’s a time to really celebrate the great learning that is happening across school, recognise the things that we are doing well and identify the next steps in our developments. I have been very impressed with the learning I have seen so far – our kids really are working their socks off, rising to the challenges their talented teachers are setting them every single day. What has really impressed me this week is how well the new classes have settled, how quickly new friendships have formed and how the children are embracing collaboration and paired working. With our emphasis on children helping one another, offering explanations and not being afraid to ask questions, we now have approximately 30 teachers in every room! Great stuff...

Fancy New Library!
On Saturday, we are having a beautiful new library installed downstairs. I am very excited about this addition to our learning environment. With Government cuts in spending nationwide, there is much in the press about the closure of local and school based libraries. At Cookridge, we are choosing now as precisely the right time to invest in reading. A love of books is something I am personally very passionate about, and this is a commitment that the whole school community share. In the past 12 months we have invested almost £16,000 in books, and Miss Fowler worked very hard last year to create a school wide buzz about books. The library area is going to be a spectacular space.. But GOING to be is a very apt description.... we need HELP to get things sorted! If you are able to spare any time on Wednesday 10th October or Thursday 11th October for a stamping, stickering and organising frenzy, we would really love to hear from you!

Parent Meetings
This week’s parent meetings in Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 have been very well attended. I am very grateful to the staff for opening their doors to welcome parents directly into the classrooms, and very grateful to you for turning up! I hope that you found the meetings informative and that the passion, enthusiasm and commitment of the staff team was evident for all to see. We hope to run more of these events in the future so watch this space... We look forward to working in close partnership with you in the year to come.

Homework Woes
As promised, the first item on our Leadership Meeting agenda this week was homework! Having listened to the matters raised by some parents, we have agreed the following amendments to the school wide homework practice:-

         Homework will be set on a Wednesday to be returned to school on a Monday. This allows the flexibility to enable some children to complete homework in the early evening (keeping their weekend free!) and some children to complete homework over the weekend (keeping their evenings free!)

         Homework includes reading (little and often – daily if possible, but just 3 times a week will be subject to school based rewards!), phonics follow up, a literacy and maths activity each week (one of which will be game based/practical or discussion based, and one which will written/recorded.) We will continue to maintain the very popular learning log tasks on a half termly basis.

         Homework club after school on a Wednesday is available to allow children the time to complete homework and/or access our growing range of web based learning resources.
The DFE provide guidance for parents on homework matters at the following website. Their guidance is that KS1 (Years 1 and 2) engage in one hour of homework activity a week, LKS2 (Years 3 and 4) one and a half hours per week and UKS2 (Years 5 & 6) 30 minutes per day. We hope that the above diet of homework falls in with these guidelines, provide a range of opportunities for children to reinforce learning at home, and gives children a chance to showcase their talents to their biggest fans: mums, dads, grandmas, granddads...! I would urge any parents who continue to have concerns or experience difficulty motivating their child to get in touch – don’t struggle on in silence.

Parent Survey
We have received a good number of survey responses back in school this week – thank you.  Surveys should be returned to the school office by Monday 8th October. I will collate all responses and produce a summary report for you in due course.

After school clubs
We are in the process of sifting through high numbers of applications for the after school clubs on offer. You should receive a letter early next week confirming your child’s place in a club.  Clubs are due to start during the week commencing 8th October.

Friends of Cookridge – P.T.A.
Thank you to parents who returned the slip expressing an interest in joining the P.T.A. this year. The majority of responses returned clearly stated 6.30pm as the preferable time for a meeting. The first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday 9th October at 6.30pm and will be held in Funtime. Even if you haven’t returned a slip – don’t let this deter you.. Come along! We need to start thinking about Christmas!

The first PTA fundraising event of the year will be a non-uniform day on the final day of term, Thursday 25th October. Children can wear their choice of their own clothes and bring £1 to donate to school. There is also a disco penned in for 3.05 (KS1) and 4.15 (KS2) sometime soon!

Sports News
The Year 3/4 football team have their first ever game this evening with a friendly match at Horsforth Newlaithes on Friday 28th September. Good luck, guys!

Attendance so far this year is looking good – we are on track to maintain our improving profile which saw us secure ‘good’ overall for attendance last year for the first time in 5 years. This year – we want better than good and are aiming for 96%..... And so far we are on track!

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bailey