Friday, 12 October 2012

Friday 12th October 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week in school has seen a frenzy of activity in the school library.. With a visit from the school library service to help our efforts, we have determined which of our current library stock is of good quality, and which needs to go sadly as they are too old to provide up to date information for our young researchers! With that mammoth task completed on Tuesday, we then set about a 2 day labelling frenzy getting all our remaining and new books organised into story categories. The finished product is rather stunning, and we look forward to opening the doors to our library soon so that you can see for yourselves just how worthwhile this work has been. Enormous thanks to all the staff, parents and – of course – Miss Fowler for their efforts in creating an incredible independent learning space! Keep the library name suggestions coming in – we really need an incredible name to get the library established at the heart of our school!


Tim Hutton – singer/songwriter

Thursday morning began with a real sense of fun in school, as we were joined by singer songwriter Tim Hutton. Tim is a musician with over 40 years experience who has written over 200 songs – including some for the Prodigy! He was in school working with a group of higher attaining Cookridge pupils alongside children from Iveson Primary and Meanwood Primary School, who spent the day writing their own lyrics for a song. Tim began with a great assembly where he demonstrated his musical talents for us all... Mason’s comments I think made his day as he declared “I feel awesome now!” after Tim had performed one of his songs. Praise indeed!


To be or not to be?

Yes, that's right, Shakespeare is back at Cookridge and this time in the form of A Midsummer Night's Dream. But this time, it's even bigger and better than ever before and is going to be performed at the West Yorkshire Playhouse on Friday 19th Octbober at 7pm. Tickets are available from the West Yorkshire Playhouse box office and we would absolutely love it if the audience could be filled with as many Cookridge supporters as possible. There will be four schools on the night, including us, who will perform a 30 minute abridged version of a Shakespeare play. This has been a Year 5/6 project since the beginning of term with some children as actors and others preparing marketing materials and props. The children have been working extremely hard and it should be a wonderful night and a once in a lifetime experience for them. It would be fantastic if you could join us!!


Millisa Morgan – chorister!

I am proud to celebrate the achievements of one of our Y4 pupils this week. Last Friday, Millisa joined a choir of over 800 people in Liverpool in an attempt to smash a Beatles Guinness World Record. Millisa was very proud to be selected and keen to tell us all about it on her return! No doubt she sung her heart out last week, just as she does for us every time there is an opportunity to sing! Congratulations Millisa – we are SOOO proud of you! Let’s hope Millisa joins our newly established school choir, who will debut their talents around Christmas time...


Parent Governors Elections

It is with regret that I inform you that the recent election for the positions of Parent Governors has had to be declared VOID. Unfortunately, it transpires that staff in school who work more than 500 hours a year cannot stand for the post of Parent Governor, and that fact actually renders Mrs Colefax and Mrs Gibbs unable to stand. To ensure a satisfactory conclusion to the election process, we are today circulating fresh ballot papers and would ask parents and carers to re-cast your vote, choosing your preferred candidates from a field of three. Enormous thanks to Mrs Colefax and Mrs Gibbs for their offer... and perhaps there will be a place for them on the Governing Body as staff representatives sometime soon! Apologies to parents for the inconvenience of having to vote again – please make sure that you do!


Parent Survey

My thanks to parents who took the time to complete this year’s parent survey. I am grateful for the good level of response, and also very thankful for the overwhelmingly good feedback you provided. You did, of course, give some pointers on things we can do better... In the past year, parental voice really has shaped some of the key directions we have taken so please KEEP TALKING!! The summary of the parent survey is attached for your information, and I hope that you notice our work in strengthening those aspects of school you have identified for improvement in the coming year. A parent version of the school action plan for 2012-13 will be available on the school website soon, and will focus some of the areas of improvement suggested by you, and where homework is concerned I think a parent group steering party might be an effective way of developing a consistent approach to homework across school that works for pupils, parents and school... Let me know if you would be interested in participating.  


Garden News

A big thank you to Fearne Johnson (Leo's mum) and Sarah O'Driscoll (Willow and Asher's mum) who have volunteered to help in the garden. They have already started by tackling the weeds in our raised beds and giving it a good dig. We really appreciate them giving up their spare time to make our garden look really good. If you would like to join our budding band of parent helpers, please contact Mrs Hawkins.


On the morning of Tuesday 23rd October, Mrs Hawkins will be taking a small group of children out to plant bulbs in the community. In recent years, we have planted daffodil bulbs on Otley Old Road and on Hillcrest Rise, opposite the school. We are still confirming the location for this year (it won't be too far!) but we will be starting from 09.30 and finish around 11.30. If you would like to join in and help the children make the local area look stunning in spring, please contact Mrs Hawkins.


Friends of Cookridge – P.T.A.

We had our first Friends meeting of the year on Tuesday. Although the meeting welcomed two new members, sadly the future of the Friends group is dependent upon YOUR support. The group are small in number, if fine in form (!) and without new members joining in the fun, we are unlikely to achieve our goals this year and may even find ourselves without a PTA group at all, which would be a sad day indeed. We are looking to appoint a new Chair of the PTA, and are also in need of a new treasurer... If you are able to lend your support to this great cause, please come along to the next meeting @ 6.30pm on Thursday 15th November. 


The first PTA fundraising event of the year will be a non-uniform day on the final day of term, Thursday 25th October. Children can wear their choice of their own clothes and bring £1 to donate to school. Friends will also be offering the first school disco of the year on Thursday 25th October, from 3.05-4.00 for Reception and KS1 children, and 4.00-5.00 for KS2 children, who for £1 will enjoy a DJ, drinks and a snack. More information is coming soon, but pencil that date in your diary...




Cookie our attendance bear continues to enjoy a rich and varied lifestyle! He is a ‘good time’ bear, and the children all know that when Cookie comes to class, he expects a good week – be it extra playtimes, perhaps the odd party (or two!), extra sports, games, activities and FUN! He also gets to go home with one of his hosts every evening, and he has a whale of a time... He’s been bowling, bike riding and to the park, out for meals, to meet grandparents – this bear is treated like royalty wherever he goes! Of course, we all know that Cookie only comes to the class with the highest attendance overall that week. So far this year our attendance has been really rather good, and this week..


National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
A 89.6%
B 97.7%


Don’t forget – Coffee Morning next Wednesday @ 9am for anyone who fancies joining us in Funtime for coffee, biscuits and a chat... Have a great weekend,


Mrs Bailey