Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thursday 25th October

Dear Parents/Carers,

Another half term draws to a close today and it with great pride that I acknowledge what a great term it has been. Our children have really settled into their new classes, formed new friendships, got to grips with new teaching teams, routines and ways of working AND managed to have fun along the way. It is important to make time each day to reflect upon what is great about our school and, without doubt, out of 100 things I could choose I would say that the smiles on our children’s faces is by far the best feature of our school. Our children are happy, confident, caring and simply beautiful young people who make every day a pleasure. Congratulations and well done to all of you – parents, children, teachers, support staff, governors – for all your hard work on behalf of our school this half term.


Shakespeare Schools Festival

Last Friday night was possibly the proudest moment of my career. 28 of our Year 6 children performed Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ live at the West Yorkshire Playhouse – and they were truly stunning. It was the first time that Primary Schools had been invited to join in with the Shakespeare Schools Festival, a festival which celebrates Shakespeare by working with 700 schools who ultimately perform simultaneously in 90 theatres right across the UK – and this year we were a part of it! The children represented Cookridge incredibly well to give a loud, confident, funny and talented performance: well done to every single one of you. Miss Fowler is SO brave to volunteer for such a project, and SO talented to orchestrate it all. Three cheers for Miss Fowler! Hip hip.....



So, last Thursday Mrs Speak led a delegation of children and adults to Ireland to meet, face to face, children and teachers at our partner school in Swinford. This visit was unlike any other – a residential involving air travel, staying in an Irish cottage with a real log fire and Mr Gamble burning custard as the teachers wrestled with catering for 14, I’m certain this was a very memorable experience for them all! The weather was fine for a day at the beach, there was bowling and days in school during which our children mingled with our Irish friends... This unique visit would not have been possible without the dedication of Mrs Speak, our very talented International Leader who is renowned across the UK for her innovative work in this field. Well done Mrs Speak.. I wonder if we know anyone is Australia, for next year?!


Parent Governors Elections

Apologies for last week’s posting which failed to give you the dates for the Parent Governor elections – I wasn’t aiming to shroud it in mystery but it’s all added to the momentous build up behind this election! This week I can finally share with you the results of the election process and am delighted to welcome onto the Governing Body Simon Bannister and Mounia Gazanayi. I am confident that both Simon and Mounia will make a positive contribution to a hard working and dedicated Governing Body and am very grateful to them for offering their services in this role.


Eid celebration

On Tuesday afternoon, all children were invited to an Eid party in school where they learned about this celebration first hand through games and activities. They enjoyed party food and each took away a gift bag... This entire event had been organised, funded and managed by a great group of parents, led by our newly elected Parent Governor Mounia Gazanayi. Grateful thanks to all mums and dads who got involved and created yet another memorable event for our children, and to Mr El Sayed who led a very informative assembly on Monday morning.. Happy Eid! 


Parent Consultations

It was wonderful to see so many of you in school across this week talking to teachers about your child’s learning and progress. I hope that you found these tiny pockets of time informative and valuable. The teachers have most definitely found them so and I am very grateful that so many of you took the time during these consultations to say a small thank you to the teachers – it really does ‘make a difference’!   If you have any feedback or suggestions about how we can make these even more useful, please let us know.


Sports News

Sports Clubs start the first week back and if your child selected one of these clubs they should be bringing home a letter today to remind them. The days and clubs are: Monday (KS2 Football) Monday (Y2 Active Club) Tuesday (Y3/4/5 Basketball) Wednesday (Year 5/6 Boxercise) Thursday (KS2 netball) Friday (Y1/2 Multi-skills)


Cricket In The Classroom! Classes 8 and 9 are venturing to Headingley for an exciting day on Wednesday 7th November. The day consists of classroom based activity linking cricket to Maths, English and ICT and work with PE and cricket activities. There will also be a tour of Headingley Carnegie Cricket Ground and the Rugby Stadium included in the day. Again, children from those classes should be bringing home a letter today.


Friends of Cookridge – P.T.A.

Tonight sees our children celebrate the end of term in style with the school disco, the first PTA event of the year. We are very interested in increasing the number of social events the Friends group organise, are especially interested in family gatherings and are currently exploring a few leads – a magic show and a ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ event, to name just a few. If you have ideas for things we could be doing, please come along to the next Friends meeting at 6.30pm on Thursday 15th November. 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Shasheen for all her work on behalf of our school PTA. Shasheen has invested hours of her time over many years, has been one of the pillars underpinning the success of our ‘Friends’ and is a shining example of a committed mum, born organiser and great team player who will be missed. On behalf of the school community – thank you!



Goodness me – we end the term with another 100% attendance secured by Class 7.. They have set the benchmark high and are the class to beat this year! Our attendance 8 weeks into the school year remains above our 96% target and I am pleased with our starting point. In line with the new policy, I have today sent out letters to parents of those children whose attendance has fallen below 90% during this term. Our intention in sending these early letters out is to raise awareness of the number of days absence your child might be totting up, sometimes without us realising. At the end of next half term (just before Christmas!) we will be producing our first set of attendance letters for each of you.. green for great, orange for ‘ok’ and red where attendance is a cause for concern. Go for green – and encourage your child to be one of the 100% attendees this year! Remember, the attendance policy is available to download on the school website


National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
A 93.8%
B 97.3%


Dates for next term...

As so much is happening next term, a heads up on the dates for your diaries...

Monday 5th November – return to school.

Thursday 15th November – Polling day. School open as usual....

Monday 19th November – Year 5 Residential to Dobroyd Castle

Wednesday 21st November – International Visitors in school for 3 days

Thursday 29th November – Author Alan Gibbons working in Y56 all day

Wednesday 5th December – Aladdin pantomime in school

Saturday 8th December – Choir performance @ Cookridge Methodist Church

Tuesday 11th December 2pm-3pm KS1 Christmas production

Wednesday 12th December 2pm-3pm or Thursday 13th December 6pm-7pm LKS2 Christmas production

Wednesday 12th December 6pm-7pm or Thursday 13th December 2pm-3pm  UKS2 Christmas production

Friday 14th December 2pm-3pm Reception production

Tuesday 18th December – Winter Gala (PTA Christmas Fair) – 3pm-4.30pm

Wednesday 19th December (pm) – Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

Thursday 20th December (pm) – KS2 Christmas Party

Friday 21st December – 2pm Carols around the tree – parents welcome.... And then we break up!


Have a wonderful and well deserved half term break.. If you are looking for things to do, Councillor Bentley has flagged up this website which gives information about an incredible range of family activities including pumpkin carving, bonfire events, family theatre, craft workshops, film screenings and art trails , Have fun!


Mrs Bailey