Friday, 5 October 2012

Friday 5th October 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

The new library is a spectacular spectacle of magnificent loveliness. It is bright, open and has the capacity for literally thousands of books. We have begun the task of getting our newest book stock categorised and labelled, and have some opening events lined up so watch this space. Children have been invited to name the library – and our 8 cuddly friends who now reside there... a few have already eagerly submitted their entries! If they haven’t already, encourage your child to submit their entries using the slip below... It could be their Cookridge legacy! See the photos of the library on the blog

Craig Bradley
Today, we have had a visitor in school. Craig proudly refers to himself as ‘that poetry bloke’ and introduced himself in a rip roaring assembly to the whole school as the guy who plays with words for a living, something he calls the best job in the world! Craig writes funny poems about all kinds of things and worked with Y34 across the day, taking their current literacy theme of Captain Underpants as a starting point. Craig will be back in November to support our Library launch. You can find out more about him here:

Cubs and Beavers wanted!
Beavers and Cubs based @Pinfold Lane have spaces for both boys and girls. Beavers is a fun packed, activity laden fest for 6-8 year olds and Cubs offer opportunities for skill building adventures for 8-10 year olds...  Contact or 07939 211533 if your child is interested in joining. There are 2 family events coming up which may be of interest to you - a quiz night on the 20th October at Holy Trinity School (5.30- 8.30pm) with bar, a fish supper and games for kids and  a free bonfire and fireworks display on the first Saturday in November. Again, contact Cheryl for more information. 

Please be aware we have several cases of nits in school. Nits are a perfectly normal part of childhood and commonplace in any school, but it is important that you remain vigilant about seeking out these tiny nuisances. Medical advice is that a child’s hair is nit combed weekly to keep the nits at bay (wet hair, lathered with conditioner and combed through with a nit comb, available to buy from any chemist). Once you discover nits, the treatment doesn’t change – wet combing is still the best treatment, it’s just the frequency that needs to increase to every other day for 3 weeks until all eggs have had opportunity to hatch... It’s gruesome talk, but somebody’s got to do it! I’m pretty confident you are scratching by now.....

Parent Consultations
Parent Consultations will be held in the final week of this half term and you should be receiving your letter asking you to identify your preferred time frame for meetings. Over the next 2 weeks, we will accrue all that information, allocate appointment times and get a slip back to you with an appointment time. Please return your slips as soon as possible as appointments will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. It is vital that you attend this important meeting, find out about how your child has settled into their class and how you can help them during the coming months.

Parent Survey
We have received a good number of survey responses back in school this week – thank you. Monday is the last day for responses to be received so get them in! I will collate all responses and produce a summary report for you for next week.

After school clubs
You should have received a letter about school clubs this week. School clubs start next week, so please make sure you know what night is club night and where/when your child should be collected. If you haven’t heard by now – you should have! Please get in touch with the school office and we will look into it for you.

Friends of Cookridge – P.T.A.
The first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday 9th October at 6.30pm and will be held in Funtime. Even if you haven’t returned a slip – don’t let this deter you.. Come along! We need to start thinking about Christmas!

The first PTA fundraising event of the year will be a non-uniform day on the final day of term, Thursday 25th October. Children can wear their choice of their own clothes and bring £1 to donate to school. There is also a disco penned in for 3.05 (KS1) and 4.15 (KS2) sometime soon!

Sports News
Y5/6 Football- The footballers played in a very entertaining friendly match against Newliathes however we lost 5-3. There are some real positives to come out of this match; great teamwork, precise passing and there was a real togetherness about the team. Despite the score, there was some fantstic football played and a lot to look forward to in the coming school year. Our goals were scored by Nathan Brown, Jack Appleyard and Elliott Coultas with Liam Jones earning the man of the match award.

Y3/4 Football- In their first ever game, the new team performed well in some rather wet and muddy conditions but lost 5-0 to Newlaithes. There were some promising players on show and a few notable performances by Sam Appleyard, Connor Fenton and Morgan Carr, who bravely stepped in to play goalie at the last minute! The man of the match was awarded to Ciaran Noon for some excellent defending and crunching tackles! Like the Y5/6 team, a lot of good players and a promising year ahead!

Attendance so far this year continues to be on track towards our target of outstanding attendance across school with 96% or more overall. Thank you for helping us to maintain this position for the past 5 weeks – and keep it up!

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bailey