Friday 16 September 2011

Friday 16th September 2011

Dear Parents/Carers,

Another school week has whizzed by and it’s now beginning to feel like the summer holidays were a long time ago! This week, I have visited each class and had more fun trying to remember the 300 names of the characters that make Cookridge such a wonderful school. I also had the pleasure of holding my first coffee morning as Head teacher and was delighted that so many parents were able to come along, share their ideas and relax with old friends or get to know one another. I will be holding the next coffee morning on Wednesday 12th October so put the date in your diary and start thinking about the things that matter to you that you want to bring to our attention...

Cookridge Horticultural Show
Last Saturday, Cookridge Primary School’s allotment submitted its first entry to the Cookridge Horticultural Show. The hard work and dedication of our staff, parent volunteers and pupils was recognised when we earned 2nd prize for our incredible home grown veg boxes, and Class 8 managed to scoop 1st prize with their art work based on Breary Marsh. The allotment is a fantastic accolade to our school and one which we are keen to continue to develop. Particular thanks to Mrs Hawkins and parent volunteers Mrs Colefax and Mrs Whitley who have ‘gone that extra mile’ in their enthusiasm for this project.

Extreme Readers!
Our Summer ‘Extreme Readers’ competition came to a head on Monday as Miss Fowler proudly announced the winners in assembly. Our children – and staff - read in some weird and wonderful places, including laundry baskets, shed roofs and tree tops and if the photos are to be believed our staff were most often found in the foot of a wardrobe or in the depths of a cave over the summer! Our winners each received a badge and a £10 WH Smith voucher to spend on a prize of their choosing. We look forward to announcing our next ‘Extreme Reading’ Competition and hope that even more of our children choose to compete – you’ve got to be in it to win it!

Let’s Grow
In recognition of our status as a ‘growing’ school, this year our Nursery will be collecting the Morrisons ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers. If you have any vouchers to donate, please pass on to our Nursery staff or via the office. Thank you.

Open House
Today you receive your first ‘Class News’ of the new school year and I hope that you find the information useful. The upcoming learning I have read about certainly sounds like fun. Please make a special note of the ‘Open House’ sessions each class teacher hosts each week. This is just an opportunity for you to pop into school when you have a moment to have a look at the great things your child has been doing and is a very generous offer on our teachers’ part. My thanks to all teaching staff for being so freely giving of their time to help you to get involved in your child’s learning.

Football club begins on Monday. If your child has joined this year, please ensure they bring all their belongings to Class 9 where they will get changed at the end of the school day and from where you should collect them at 4.10pm. On Tuesday 20th we will be playing our first sporting event of the year when our Y5/6 travel to Newlaithes to try their luck against the reigning league champions. My thanks to Mr Gamble for organising and manning the event and the best of luck to our little champions!

School Meals
Having eaten school meals alongside our children for the past two weeks, I can honestly say that our dinners offer lots of choice, are of good quality and offer tremendous value for money. A school meal costs £1.85 per day (£9.25 per week) for Reception-Year 4 children and £1.90 per day (£9.50 per week) for our Y5/6 children. Please give 2 weeks’ notice at the school office for a change of dinner option. Can I please remind parents that dinner money should be paid each Monday morning or can be paid half termly in advance if this is more convenient for you.

Friends of Cookridge
Our PTA group are very keen to begin the new school year by welcoming new members to the group. If you have any time to give to this very important aspect of our school, please come along to the first meeting of the year on the 6th October at 6pm. If you are able to lend your support to the organisation of just one event across the year, it will help our group to flourish and develop new ideas for raising funds on behalf of our children. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the Asda bag packing planned for tomorrow, Saturday 17th September, has been cancelled. We will notify parents as soon as a new date has been arranged.

Key dates this term

Parent Consultations:  16th/17th October

Training Day: 21st October (school closed)

Friends of Cookridge meeting: 6th October, 6pm

Coffee morning: 12th October, 9am

Communication with parents
The website developments are well underway and I very much look forward to being able to launch a new look site soon.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Bailey