Friday 7 October 2011

Friday 7th October 2011

Dear Parents/Carers,

I’m quickly finding it’s always Friday morning at Cookridge! The weeks are flying by and we are now only two weeks away from our half term break. This week I have had the pleasure of observing the learning in classes right across school. I have seen committed, hard working staff and pupils everywhere I have visited. Our Poetry Mix-Up day saw pupils of all ages working together to create a poem to present in assembly, as well as having great fun together throughout the day to generate ideas... Brilliant things happen every day here at Cookridge and our children really do have all the right attributes to be whatever they want to be, which is becoming our mantra.

Time to shine at Cookridge
This week, we have begun our conversations with the children about our new positive behaviour policy, which includes many ways to be recognised for every day achievements. I am sending a simplified version of the policy for your information, so that you know just what your child has achieved when they come home bursting with pride some time soon... The full details of the ‘Team Points’ system, the names of the teams, the ‘prizes’ on offer and those elected to the esteemed role of ‘Team Captain’ will all be revealed during Monday’s assembly and the system launched next week. The policy also includes a clear outline of how negative behaviours will be managed in school. Any feedback is, of course, welcome.

Our children will be singing in celebration of Harvest festival in a special assembly on Friday 14th October with our special guest, a visitor from Caring for Life. As is traditional for this celebration, we are collecting donations of non-perishable food products on behalf of Caring for Life, who have kindly agreed to distribute across the community. Donations of tins/packets should be brought to school on Friday 14th October – if every child can bring just one tin, we will have almost 300 gifts to share... Thank you for your support.

On Wednesday, an intrepid team of three consisting of Mr Llewlyn, Mr Gamble and Mrs Speak set off for 6 days in Slovakia. Arriving at 4am on Thursday, this initial visit is an opportunity to meet teachers from our new partner schools in Ireland, Slovakia and Birmingham and agree some exciting projects all our children will be involved with. Funded by the EU, our International focus during the next two years is environmental issues across the UK and Europe and provides a rich opportunity for our children to work with children beyond our school.  The team will return late Monday evening, tired but enthusiastic I’m sure, and we look forward to hearing about their adventures.

In our first League match of the season, our team worked hard and defended well but were beaten 1-0 this time.. Our first defeat this year, but let’s not dwell on that! Our next Year 5/6 match is on Friday 14th at West End.

Community News
Cookridge Village Scout Group have applied to Natwest Community Force for a £6,000 grant to support their ongoing development. They need your help! Their bid will only be successful if they receive enough votes but, happily, anyone can vote! Visit,  enter your postcode and Cookridge Village Scout Group should appear. It is just a case of clicking on the icon, registering and then voting. Spread the word and encourage friends and family to vote for this valuable community resource.

Holiday Childcare
Funtime will be running their holiday club during October half term on Tues 25th, Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th October. They can offer childcare between 7.45am and 5.45pm on these dates, at a cost of £3.00 per child per hour. Take advantage of full daily booking of 10hours and save £5.00!
The holiday club is open to all children aged 4 years to 12 years regardless of whether they attend the before/after school club during term time. A trip to the cinema or bowling will be arranged over the three days covered, dependent upon numbers attending.

Booking forms were sent home last week but can be requested at our school reception if you have lost yours. To secure a place, please return the booking form with payment as soon as possible, confirming the times and dates required. Funtime also accept payment via childcare vouchers. Funtime staff are available in the community room before and after school if you have any queries.
Parental feedback
As I find out about systems and organisation at Cookridge, can I thank those parents who are taking the time to provide very valuable feedback about the things that we can do differently. Not only is investigating your queries providing valuable clarity for me personally, it is also giving us an opportunity to re-think what we do and, where necessary, make improvements. We are very determined to get every aspect of the school day ‘right’ and appreciate your support in helping us to do so. Next week, I will be sending home a parental survey which is another opportunity for you to ‘have your say’. Please take a few minutes to complete and return it and be an active voice in your child’s future.

Coffee morning
Join us in the Community Room after dropping your child off next Wednesday 12th October for coffee, biscuits and a time to relax in good company. Mrs Laycock and I were delighted by the number of parents who took us up on our offer last month, and we’re hoping to see more new faces next week. Younger siblings are welcome to attend and might even find a companion!
Have a great weekend.

Mrs Bailey