Friday 17 May 2013

Friday 17th May 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Y6 SATS are done and dusted – great news all around! We couldn’t be more proud of the children for the effort, determination and expertise, frankly, with which they faced the challenge this week: well done guys you were awesome! Now you can look forward to your final 7 weeks at Cookridge with a production, prom preparations and a leaver’s assembly: unbelievable to think that it’s that time of year again!


Funtime Club and Little Sunshine’s Preschool

Yesterday, I attended the annual AGM for Funtime and Little Sunshine’s Preschool. Our pre- and after- school facilities in school are currently managed under a committee made up predominantly by parents of children who use the facilities. The meeting was well attended and some very useful suggestions were made for the services going forward.  Thankfully, the AGM brought us volunteers to fill the important roles and we are, therefore, able to continue in our current form. After 10 years of service on the committee, Julie Turner will step down from her role as Treasurer in the Summer term. Julie should be commended for her long standing and selfless service on behalf of the community for all of that time. Further news will follow on the developments discussed as part of yesterday’s agenda: watch this space.



Mr Paul Bird has been up to our allotment this week and fixed both our greenhouse doors and popped our broken gate back on its hinges. Mr Bird offered his services completely free of charge and so we owe him a big community thank you! If any parents or grandparents would like to get involved in the work up on the allotment, please do get in touch with Mrs Hawkins who would be very happy to hear from you!



Next Thursday, Friends will meet to make final plans for the Summer Fair. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in this important aspect of the school year in any school – whether by setting up on the day, manning a stall, donating all manner of things OR simply turning up on the day and agreeing to have fun. If you are able to come along to the Friends meeting on Thursday @ 6.30 then please do – just come along to Funtime and get involved. If you are not able to attend the meeting but are willing to offer support on the day, notices have been posted on all classroom doors so sign up and we will be in touch!


Over the weekend, why not encourage your child to produce a poster advertising the summer fair? There will be a suitably arty prize for the winning entry, and the accolade of having your poster copied and posted all over school. Give it a try.... It MIGHT be you!


Deputy Head teacher

On Monday and Tuesday next week, a panel of Governors and our School Improvement Partner will be in school for a rigorous 2 day interview process. We are looking for our new Deputy Head Teacher and we have many challenges for the candidates to face in search of the perfect person for Cookridge. Children will, of course, be involved in the process and their voices will be heard! There was a very strong field of candidates and, having shortlisted 6 of them, we are very much looking forward to making a selection and welcoming this key person to our school in September. I will let you know the outcome next week!

Sports News

Y6 Cricket Trip- Next Friday Year 6 are travelling down to Headingley Stadium to watch the first day's play of the second test match against New Zealand. There are some children who have still not handed in their permission slip or money. Please ensure that this is done ASAP or you may miss out on the excitement!


Y5/6 Rugby Team- Next Tuesday the Year 5/6 rugby team competes in the Leeds Regional Finals at John Charles Sports Stadium. They will be competing against 19 other local primary schools, with the top 4 progressing onto the stage of the competition and a chance to play in the Yorkshire Regional Finals. Good luck team!!


Year 5/6 Football Team- After competing so well in the league lately, the football team are at Calverley Parkside Primary on Wednesday to compete in the Armitage Cup. Again, good luck and let's try get some silverware.


After School Sports Clubs for Summer 2- There are a few places left for the Key Stage 2 Street Dance and Rugby clubs for next half-term. If your child is in either Y3/4/5 or 6 and are interested in joining the club, then please see Mr Gamble or Mrs Hyde in the school office.



Improving attendance remains one of the city’s key ‘obsessions’ and certainly one of ours. Our whole school attendance improved by an entire percentage point to 95.6% last year, our best attendance figure for over 5 years. This year, we have fallen by almost half a percent to 95.2%, due in part to the dreadful norovirus which struck us in December and our current bout of chicken pox in school. Another significant factor in our battle with attendance, however, remains holiday absence in term time. In conjunction with many schools across the city, our policy is to decline all requests for holiday absence in term time which we routinely do. The number of school days lost to holiday absence so far this school year, however, is 276 and accounts for 1% of all absences in school. Please do make arrangements for holidays to be taken during the school holidays for the year ahead and help us to achieve our goal of an improving attendance profile. The school calendar and details of training days for 2013-14 is available on the website


National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
A 93.8%
B 97.5%


Have a wonderful weekend,

Sam Bailey