Friday 7 June 2013

Friday 7th June 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week has been busy! There is much underway at this point in readiness for September, believe it or not, and there is a brilliant energy and excitement amongst the staff team for our next steps. Over the course of the next two weeks, staff are working hard to finalise accurate assessments of your child’s progress and attainment in reading, writing and maths – all of which will be shared with you in your child’s end of year report. The progress in school this year has been quite simply phenomenal, and we’re genuinely excited to be collating this information to share with you in due course.



On Tuesday this week, I had the pleasure of another pizza lunch with those children nominated by their class mates as the Learnatics for last half term. It really is my favourite time of each half term - the food and the company are always good and it’s a wonderful opportunity for me to celebrate your children’s achievements. Congratulations to each of our Learnatics – it’s not easy to be dedicated and determined every minute of every day but you make it look like a doddle! Keep up the great work…


Class allocations

Next week, we plan to share with you news of your child’s class allocation for the year ahead. It is our intention to ensure a smooth and efficient transition into the next phase of your child’s educational journey, and all children will have the opportunity to spend the morning with their new class on 2nd July. In addition - as we did last year - there will be a ‘meet the class teacher’ session straight after school for parents to pop into the new classes, pick up a brief information sheet about the year ahead and ask any questions you might have. It is important that parents support the transition process by talking to your child about their move, and generating some excitement about this over the coming months. As ever, if you have any concerns about the class allocations please don’t suffer in silence – come in and speak to me about it.


Summer Fair!

With just a week to go until the eve of the 2013 Summer Fair, a reminder that we need your help to make it the great event that it always is… Across the course of next week, we will be asking for donations of a different nature each day so that the fair is packed with the activities, value buys, tombolas and prizes we all know and love! On Monday – it’s ‘Bring a Bottle Day’, on Tuesday ‘Toy Day’, on Wednesday books, CD’s, and chocolate items,  on Thursday jewellery, gifts and toiletries and on Friday it’s cakes, buns and biscuits for the wonderful cafĂ©. Obviously – it is NOT expected that you donate ALL of the above (!) but simply that you give what you can to support the school in what is always the biggest fundraiser of the year.


You are invited to attend a brief meeting with the committee next Wednesday after school to review the items received and see what remains to be done before Saturday. Finally, if you are able to pledge a few hours of your time on either Friday afternoon (from 1.30pm) or Saturday morning (from 10am) to help set up then don’t be shy: come in and lend a hand.


Non uniform day

As is traditional with next week’s donations week, we will end the week with a non uniform day on Friday. However, next week our non uniform day will take on far greater significance as I am keen to lend our support to the plight of a young man who needs the help of people who care.


Joseph is a five year old boy whose plight has been brought to my attention by Cookridge pupils and family friends, Ciaran and Elliott Noon. Falling poorly at Christmas, Joseph was diagnosed with childhood cancer and in the months between then and now he has braved chemotherapy treatment and an operation in a bid to fight for his life. The chances of Joseph’s cancer returning are high. Sadly subsequent treatment is only available in America and so the family are now intent on raising the funds needed to pursue that treatment when the time comes. As parents, I am certain that this dreadful scenario resonates with all of us and is possibly a cause that you would like to support.


Next week’s non-uniform day, therefore, is dedicated to Joseph. A £1 donation isn’t much, but if every pupil donated £1, that’s £300 added to the total overnight. IF every Leeds citizen donated £1 the family would raise £751,500, overnight… So tell someone you know about Joseph’s story and let’s see what the Cookridge community can do for this little Leeds lad. More information can be found at


Baby news

I am delighted to share with you news that Mr and Mrs Gamble welcomed baby Victoria Rose into the world on 31st May. Victoria kept mummy and daddy waiting but she was worth it – she’s absolutely beautiful, and a very healthy 9lbs 8oz! Congratulations to you all… Let the good times commence!



Whilst ever the sun shines, we will be up on the field each lunchtime enjoying the different play that a decent patch of grass brings. Please help to ensure your child’s wellbeing by applying sun cream before school and supplying a water bottle for more frequent drinks during the summer season. Thank you.



With only 6 weeks to go, it is pleasing to see that we have managed to maintain our attendance position over 95% - the bottom line figure for a ‘good’ school. In just 2 more weeks, we will be finalising our 100% attenders list and identifying the pupils who will be invited to the annual trip to the movies.. Keep up the great work, 100%ers!

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
A 95.9%
B 95.0%



Following the measles outbreak recently, we have been asked to circulate public health information about the disease. Please read the leaflet circulated this evening and address any questions to the relevant health professionals.



The new style class photos are amazing! The last day to place an order is Friday 14th June.


Diary dates for the busy term ahead

There is PLENTY going on….

11th June Reception walk to Paul’s Pond
9th July Y4 Cricket day
13th June 7pm New Reception 2013 Welcome Meeting
11th July Brass development day
14th June Non uniform day
12th July Reports out
15th June Summer Fair 2pm - 4pm
17th July ACE sports gala
1st July Sports Day
17th July Choir performance Methodist church
2nd July Y6 Bikeabilty training
17th July Y6 Prom night 7-9pm
2nd July Whole school transition morning/class swaps
19th July Music concert – 2.15-3pm
5th July Training Day – SCHOOL CLOSED
23rd July Y6 Leavers Assembly 2pm
8th July Y5 Arts Festival @ Ralph Thoresby 11-5pm
23rd July BREAK UP!!
8th July Y6 Leavers Performance 2-3pm & 7-8pm


Have a wonderful weekend,

Sam Bailey