Friday 12 July 2013

Friday 12th July 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Last Friday’s staff training day gave us the opportunity to reflect on the year – in particular looking closely at the standards pupils right across school have secured in this academic year. In readiness for Ofsted and just because we are intent on continually strengthening what we do, we had a great time looking at the historic 3 year picture, comparing standards in 2011 (our last Ofsted) and our latest pupil outcomes. It is brilliant to notice the great strides taken during the past 2 years. Key headlines include:


ü  Continuing improvement in Reception outcomes, with pupils entering KS1 with our highest average ever (just below age appropriate expectations) in reading, writing and maths

ü  93% of Y1 pupils reaching the benchmark in the phonics screening test (compared with 71% last year)

ü  Higher percentage of pupils securing age appropriate expectations – and fewer pupils below -  in KS1 in reading, writing and maths

ü  Higher percentage of pupils exceeding age appropriate expectations in KS1 reading, writing and maths

ü  Higher proportion of pupils securing good or outstanding progress throughout KS1 and LKS2 (Y34), and therefore a higher proportion of pupils meeting targets set for them at the beginning of the year.


To add to our joy, the DfE released the long awaited Y6 SATS results on Tuesday. The results confirmed our expected outcomes (phew!) and demonstrate a stable position following the improvements made in recent years, with:


ü  81% of pupils securing L4 outcomes in reading and maths, with all pupils securing L3 or better (a first!), and 84% of pupils securing L4 outcomes in writing (up from 78% in 2011)

ü  39% of pupils securing L5 outcomes in reading (in line with 2011), and 42% securing Level 5 outcomes in maths (up from 16% in 2011). In addition, one of our pupils successfully secured our first ever L6 outcome for us in maths – what a genius, and what a landmark for Cookridge.

ü  Pupil progress in writing is consistently good across school, with higher proportions of pupils securing good progress (in line with national expectations) than ever before.

ü  75% of pupils secured the L4 pass mark in the SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) test, launched this year.


In September, we will provide a full report to parents to clearly explain standards in our school, and what areas now stand out as priority areas for improvement. In the meantime, let me take this opportunity to thank every member of staff, every child and every parent for their hard work in securing our improvements to date. Our work is not done – we have much to be excited about in terms of our planned improvements for the year ahead – but there is time to take a breath and celebrate where we are. Well done and thank you!



This evening please look for your child’s report as it was sent home today! During the past week, I have enjoyed reading every one of the 320 reports painstakingly crafted by our teachers – and they are a lovely read which tell me one thing: we really have got fantastic kids! We enclose a slip for your brief feedback on the reports and the year – please take a few moments to fill it in: we welcome your comments.



We are going to be organising our class and school reading book stock over the summer holidays so it is fresh and ready for the children to choose from in September. We would appreciate you having a good look at home for any books that your child has borrowed from their class trays or from the school library. Books from class have a plain coloured sticker on them and school library books have a sticker with the genre of the book typed on eg historical, animal fiction etc. Please could all books be returned to school by Monday 22nd July at the latest. Thank you.


Bugsy Malone

After Monday's dramatic turn of events, with a bout of sickness that saw Miss Fowler stepping in to play Fat Sam and the evening show being cancelled, we are happy to announce that the evening performance of Bugsy Malone will be on Monday 15th July  7-8pm.  Children are to arrive through the main school door between 6:15 - 6:30pm to allow time to get ready. Parents are invited to go through the school gates and into the hall. We would love to see as many people there as possible! We are very sorry for this unavoidable chain of events which led to such short notice reorganisation and thank parents for their understanding.


Get involved – Come to Zumba!!!

Miss Glendinning and Miss Carroll are keen to set up a weekly Zumba aerobic session for all parents starting from September. The sessions would involve lively music, groovy moves to get you feeling fit and of course well-earned refreshments! To whet your appetite and gauge the level of interest we would like to invite you to a taster session on Monday 22nd of July from 2-3pm, please enter the grounds from the school gate straight into the hall. All you need to come with is comfortable clothing, trainers and most importantly bags of enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you there!



Yes, you read it correctly - CBBC stars are coming to Leeds for a 3 day extravaganza in July! The CBBC Live in Leeds event - which is aimed at children aged 6-12 years old and their families and will take place in Millenium Square on 25, 26 and 27 July - will be free to attend and is a collaboration between BBC North and Leeds City Council. Stars from some of CBBC’s most popular shows will be appearing at the event, and programmes including Blue Peter, Newsround and Wild will be going live from the location over the three days. The CBBC presentation team, including Chris Johnson and Hacker the Dog will also be broadcasting live from Leeds during the event. There will be a wide range of activities to get stuck into and it sounds like a fabulous event to get involved in!


Sports News

On Tuesday in the basking heat 24 Year 4 children attended a cricket day at a local sports club. All the children took part in a morning full of bowling, batting and fielding coaching before competing against other schools in the afternoon. Team A deserve a special mention as they won both their games comfortably with Joshua Whitaker, Srosh Akbari and Alex Collie among the stand out performers. Well done to you all!


After winning their group earlier in the year, the Y56 football team compete in the quarter finals next week. We got knocked out of the cup at this stage last year, can we go one better this time around? Good luck boys!



A high volume of holiday absence is once again affecting our attendance figure this week, sadly.

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
A 94.0%
B 96.4%


Coffee Morning

Don’t forget - Wednesday 17th July @ 9am it’s time for a coffee! Parents who are interested in an afternoon playgroup should most definitely come along – particularly with little people who might like some new toys!


Have a wonderful weekend,

Sam Bailey