Friday 20 September 2013

Friday 20th September

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week I have had the privilege of observing reading sessions right across school. From Reception to Year 6, the children’s fantastic engagement with a wide range of books is plain to see. I’ve seen children reading and chatting to their friends about texts including smelly facts about Vikings, gory facts about snakes and real news reports about Neil Armstrong’s 1969 moon landing! What is evident from the hours spent in class this week is that the children are genuinely interested in the brilliant books we have in school and are very competent and enthusiastic readers. Teaching and support staff across school are very skilled in securing improvements in the children’s reading strategies and there is a definite commitment to the art of learning to read between children and adults. We have some more exciting plans for the development of reading in school this year and next week and look forward to adding further new texts and even more skills in the teaching of reading to our repertoire. And on that note….


Books, books, glorious books!

Yes, the Scholastic Book Fair is back at school next week and will be available in the hall from Monday 23rd September until Thursday 27th.  Opening times will be from 8:30 - 8:45 and from 3:05 - 3:30pm. The Book Fair gives children the chance to see, touch and fall in love with the very best children’s books and  also offers the chance to earn free books and for school. Thanks to the number of books sold at previous book fairs, £300 was raised for school in Scholastic vouchers and these have been used to buy some wonderful poetry book sets for guided reading in school. This means that buying books next week is fantastic news for your child in two ways; firstly, they get a gorgeous new book to read and secondly we will be able to invest in even more resources to enjoy and learn from. We would greatly appreciate your continued support of the book fair and we hope to see you there next week!




It appears that the children were not the only ones who were excited to get back to school – we have a healthy batch of nits vying for space in the classrooms! The cases currently noted are amongst the older pupils in school so please check your child’s hair this weekend and see if a visit to the chemist may be required. In our effort to minimise the spread of the pesky head lice, if we notice any child to have nits within the school day, we will be phoning home so that parents can come and collect, treat and return to school as quickly as possible. I bet you’re itching now….


Data/contact sheets

We are today distributing your child’s data /contact information. Please check the information we have on record and ensure that it remains accurate. If you need to update a contact number or amend any details, please do so and return to school by Friday 27th September so that we can update our records and continue to have the necessary contact in the event of an emergency. Thank you.  

After school clubs

The great range of clubs got underway in record time this year and a record number of children are involved. We are currently having some difficulty with pupils who are not sure when/where they need to be, and also a proportion of children who are deciding that they do not fancy it today! Please remind your child on days that they have a club, and ensure they have the correct kit where necessary. I would appreciate it if you would also explain to your child that if they have signed up for a club they must attend, as their failure to do so causes worry across school when club registers are taken.


School Governors

Last week we circulated the nominations forms for parent governors and look forward to your submissions! Governing Bodies are at their strongest when there is a diverse group of people who share a love of their school and are interested in finding out more about it. If you are keen to get involved, please get in touch or complete the nominations form ahead of the deadline.



A reminder that the first Friends (PTA) meeting is being held in school at 6.30pm on Thursday of next week. Don’t be shy – come along and help shape the plans for 2013-14.


Lunchtime Play leaders

Applications for the post of lunchtime supervisor are currently welcome. The closing date for applications is Friday 4th October so if you are able to offer your time between 11.45 and 1pm each day please call into the school office and see Mrs Lucas for more information.  



As the summer appears to be drawing to a close, please can we ask that parents send children into school with coats please so that staff can encourage them to wear them during play and lunchtimes? It’s COLD!



We have had a brilliant level of attendance in school this week and I am thrilled that Class 1 have chalked up our first 100% of the year in only week 3! Please keep up this brilliant effort. I am also grateful to parents and carers being more responsible in notifying us of absence through a short phone call first thing – almost 100% there, too!

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:- 19/09/13
Rec A
Rec B
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9



Parent Meetings

Don’t forget, next week we look forward to welcoming you into school to find out more about the learning in your child’s class. Each session in school will include time learning alongside your child, and a brief meeting with the Key Stage Leaders so that we can get the year started well.  Please make every effort to come along and support your child – we’d love to see you! Parents should enter school via their child’s classroom entrance.  

KS1 (Classes 1, 2 & 3)
Tuesday 24th September, 1.30pm (class) and 2.00pm (hall).
LKS2 (Classes 4, 5 & 6)
Wednesday 25th September, 1.30pm (class) and 2.00pm (hall).
UKS2 (Classes 7, 8 & 9)
Thursday 26th September
1.30pm (Y6 = session in class/Y5 information meeting in hall);
2.00pm (Y6=information meeting in hall/Y5 session in class).  


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Bailey