Friday 4 October 2013

Friday 4th October 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week has been a busy one! The weather has finally resumed its gloomy self but our first wet plays of the year occurred without a hitch – many children telling me they actually prefer the time in class! With just three weeks to go until half term, there is still plenty going on….


Grammar School at Leeds – Maths Challenge

On Thursday morning, four of our pupils – Kate Goodman, Ben Moxon, Ben Walker and Bradley Simpson – took part in the Grammar School Maths Challenge, pitting their wits against 20 other Leeds schools in a maths competition that was tough! These four representatives of our school came THIRD out of the twenty schools competing and are worthy finalists – an incredible achievement: well done, guys! Thanks to Mr Maldonado for coordinating the event, to Mrs Horsley for transporting our victors and to Mr & Mrs Walker who attended the event to cheer them on. Roll on the semi-finals in November!


Y4 Swimming

This week, Y4 parents in Class 4, 5 & 6 should have received a letter about swimming which is due to start on Wednesday 16th October. Please ensure you have seen this letter – if yours didn’t get home please speak to your child’s class teacher who will get you a copy so that you know what the arrangements are. Thank you.



This year, following parental suggestions and concerns raised last year and to directly support our school improvement priorities across school, half termly homework will be linked to topic and may include research, presentation or a craft project. Weekly homework includes reading (at least three times a week), practicing spellings and learning mental maths facts (e.g. times tables) or looking at a mental maths test script together so that you can talk with your child about how to solve a tricky question– a great chance to dust off the white cells! I have to commend parents for the spectacular project work you did with your children which is currently on display right across school, but I am also equally awestruck by the dedication you show in encouraging your children to complete their homework each week – which I appreciate isn’t always easy in the busy lives we lead. Without a doubt, your child’s confidence and sense of achievement is very much boosted by this time investment each week SO on behalf of your children: a BIG thank you!



The first Friends event of the year is coming up, with the traditional disco on the final Thursday of the half term – 24th October. Tickets will be available to buy from next Friday so watch this space… Friends are also keen to prepare the Cookridge Cook Book ready for sale at the Christmas Fair. If you and your child have a good recipe to share which we can all have a go at, please send to or hand in at the school office: don’t forget to name your entry!


Bonfire Lunch!

From time to time, we offer a special themed school dinner which we open up to all children in school. If your child would like to join us for a one-off school lunch which includes a  ‘Banger Burger’ (meat or veggie) or a ‘Flaming Hot dog’, baked potato skins, corn on the cob and coleslaw followed by toffee or chocolate apples or ice cream – please get in touch with the school office by Friday 18th October.


Data Protection Forms

As we are currently updating and checking pupil records in school, we recently sent home a data sheet which informs you exactly what information we have about your child. Once you have checked this and made any necessary amendments (e.g. to phone numbers), please return it to school as soon as possible.

Parent View

My thanks to parents who have taken the few minutes out of their day lately to complete the Ofsted survey for us – we are now up to the grand total of 17! If you haven’t already, please do so as it provides feedback to us but will also help Ofsted form a picture of our school before they even step out of the car! Follow the link here or via the front page of the school website.


Sports news

The Year 5/6 football season got underway last week with a friendly match against Newlaithes Primary. Despite a slow start from Cookridge, goals from Faisal Alshareef, Charlie Kelly (2), Liam Jones (2) and Nathan Brown saw us win 6-2 in the end. A great team performance with Ben Moxon collecting the man of the match award for his super tackling and for his great organising of the defence. Well done boys!

Lunchtime Play leaders

Oh dear! This week I received yet another resignation from one of our longest standing lunchtime supervisors, Mrs Blackburn. Mrs Blackburn will be retiring at half term after a long career with Cookridge, serving our children both at lunchtime and, until recently,  as part of the Funtime team. My special thanks to her for her dedication to Cookridge for all of this time – a well-deserved retirement beckons! Compounded with our other leavers, our lunchtime supervision is far from resolved! I appeal, once again, to any parents who themselves might be available or who know someone who may be interested please let us know.


I was delighted we were able to open on Tuesday as normal, despite the strike action across the nation. I was especially pleased that this decision did not adversely affect attendance on the day given the fact that many older brothers and sisters were off school due to their school closures – well done to everyone! Huge congratulations to our first KS2 winners of the academic year – Class 8 with a whopping 98.6%

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-02/10/13
Rec A
Rec B
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9


Parent Consultations

Please return your preference letter for parent consults as soon as possible. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so don’t delay – especially if your time is restricted. We look forward to seeing you all in the final week of this half term: you have plenty to be proud of!


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Bailey