Sunday 15 December 2013

Friday 13th December 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,


Only 5 more school days before we break up for the festive season. I hope you are all ready? I’m a long way off on the home front, but from the school perspective I THINK we have everything just about in hand for the final furlong…!


Christmas Dinner

Diane served her last Christmas dinner of her 30 year career on Thursday, with over 240 children and adults taking her up on her delicious offerings. We began proceedings ultra-early at 11.30, and ended later than usual at almost 1pm. It was, of course, exquisite. I realised last Friday night what a gigantic gaffe I had made in calculating the number of meals Diane has prepared since the 80’s. She has actually produced 3 choices of meals per day during 39 weeks of term time over a 30 year career FOR EACH PUPIL, and has served roughly 150 pupils a day. Diane has therefore cooked – and served – over 2,632,500 dinners! Now THAT’s incredible.


Funtime update

Parents who use the Funtime provision should, this week, have received their welcome pack. This has all of the information you need to continue to access the club from January, when Funtime officially ends and the club is re-born under schools direct management. Critically, please ensure you return all the paperwork we need in order to secure your place as soon as is physically possible next week. I appreciate the very rapid turn-around at a busy time of year, but Mrs Lucas is doing a fantastic job pulling together all of the administration required at lightning speed in order that we can continue to offer before and after school provision without ANY break in service whatsoever. Quite a feat – and I am very grateful to you for your cooperation on this one.


At the time of writing this newsletter, we are on the eve of our interviews and so I am not yet able to confirm the team who will be taking the provision forward into 2014. I will inform Funtime parents on Monday and look forward to welcoming the successful applicants to the Cookridge team.


Wintry Weather Procedures

Now is a good time to remind you all of the procedures for snowy and icy conditions. Let’s hope the winter is mild but in the event of heavy snow and treacherous conditions, I will recap for you procedures for school closure notification. Whilst we endeavour to remain open during any period of wintry weather, it is the Head teacher’s responsibility to complete a risk assessment to inform any decision to remain open. This risk assessment is based on the condition of the school site and the availability of school based staff for work. Please note the following procedures should a closure be deemed necessary.

·         A decision will be taken as early as possible and communications sent to all parties. Any delay in making a decision will often be as a result of awaiting news of the respective car journeys of school based staff. Please do not attempt to contact school during this time as it is essential that phone lines remain open for staff.

·         If school is to close, a TEXT message will be sent to all parents and carers registered on Parentmail.

·         A message will also be posted on Mrs B's Blog at or via the school website.  

·         A message will be posted on Twitter - which you can link directly to your phone.

·         We will notify Radio Aire/Radio Leeds so that they are able to include our school in their updated bulletins and on their website.
Please be assured that I would only take the decision to close our school in exceptional circumstances where your child's safety is the primary concern. Cross everything for a warm(ish) and safe January!


Mrs Fletcher’s incredible choristors!

In the past two weeks, it is fair to say that Mrs Fletcher and her team of merry men have made beautiful music together! The inter-generational choir has swelled to over 40 members during the festive season, and in the past 10 days they have been able to perform at the Christmas Fair, at the Methodist church, at St Paul’s and next Friday in the Carols around the tree service in school. Robbie Williams is quieter than this! Well done to the children who have learned such an impressive raft of songs, to our wonderful adult members of the choir and to Mrs Fletcher for nurturing such wonderful talent in our little people. If you haven’t seen them yet – bob into the carols next Friday from 2pm.



This week, I’ve distributed the 204 certificates to pupils across school who attended school every day in November, and have also presented even more certificates to those children who have managed to come to school every single day since September. Last year, we had to hire a bus for the first time to get us to the movies for 100% day. In 2014, I’d like to have to hire two…! I really, really hope you keep up the excellent work, guys.


After a long run, Class 5 will finally be returning Bourbon this week as their reign is over – for now! Congratulations Class 3 who have achieved 99% at the end of a 15 week term – impressive. :0)


National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this w/e :- 11/12/13
Rec A
Rec B
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9


Dates for December

And so the term draws to a close next week with the fantastic performances. Each key phase in school has their own special something prepared and I can tell you the children have been practicing hard and they are looking good! I look forward to seeing you there.


Next THURSDAY - 19th December - is officially PARTY day! All classes in school will be partying throughout the day and children are welcome to wear their party clothes all day. No doubt class teachers will be asking for party food donations which we are always grateful of. You only need send a small donation as it really adds up and pupils will be eating their usual meal on party day - 


2pm LKS2 (Class 4, 5 & 6) performance
2pm Reception performance
2pm KS1 performance (Class 1, 2 & 3) 
5.30 LKS2 (Class 4, 5 & 6)  evening performance
2pm UKS2 lead Carols Around the Tree.


Y4 swimming

There is no swimming next week, nor for the first week back after Christmas. Y4 swimmers will be back in the pool on Wednesday 15th January 2014. Feels like AGES away!  

After school clubs

Remember – there are NO CLUBS next week so that staff are able to get ready for the term ahead. Clubs will be back in January.  


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Bailey