Saturday 5 November 2011

Dear Parents/Carers,

I trust that you all had an enjoyable half term and are looking forward to the term ahead. The children came back full of enthusiasm for the exciting week they had in store - Halloween and Bonfire Night being top of their list of things to be excited about (literacy and numeracy a bit further down the list!) This week we have seen many of you in school as you attended your child’s parent consultations. Thank you for navigating your way through the amended appointment times to come and see us – we hope that they were useful conversations and appreciate your support in ensuring that your child achieves their full potential in the days, weeks and years to come. 


As you are aware we were subject to a full Section 5 inspection during the last week of half term. The Inspection team were very rigorous and supported the school in its current endeavour to evaluate and improve all aspects of the school day. They recognised the good and some outstanding features of the school and were very supportive of our future development plans. The report is currently being moderated by Ofsted and will be published shortly. Unfortunately, I am unable to share the key headlines with you until this time. I very much look forward to doing so in the near future.


One of the key foci for inspection is school attendance figures. Learners’ attendance is judged in comparison to national figures. The grade descriptors make it very clear that if pupils’ actual attendance is consistently below national averages then attendance must be graded inadequate overall.  Attendance management at Cookridge is an aspect of school that I intend to develop, as our attendance figures over the last three years (the focus for inspection) allow scope for improvement. In order to assure a ‘satisfactory’ outcome in line with the 2009 Ofsted Framework for Inspections, an overall attendance figure of 94% is satisfactory. This is a figure which we sometimes fall below at Cookridge and is therefore something that we need to work together to improve. I am currently consulting with key staff in school to ensure that we are managing attendance as effectively as the best schools in the country, and will obviously share any new initiatives with you in due course. I will also be sharing our overall attendance with you on a weekly basis, and hope that you work in partnership with us to strengthen this aspect of our school to ensure an outstanding judgement at the next inspection!

Whole school attendance Thursday 20th October - Wednesday 2nd November: 97.2%

It’s Panto time!

We have managed to secure a booking for a whole school pantomime delivered by the excellent M&M Theatrical Productions team. Please note that the cost of this performance will be entirely covered by school and will become one of our ‘Christmas traditions’ at Cookridge.. Next year, we will book in good time and get a performance a bit nearer to Christmas! The panto – Robin Hood – will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday 15th November and I am confident that it will be yet another fantastic experience for our pupils.

Parent Governors

Please note that the information for the election of our new parent governor is coming home today. Do take the time to consider your preferred candidate and make your preference known by returning the ballot paper as soon as you can.

Remembrance Day

Poppies are on sale in school and in assembly next week we will remind the children of the significance of this important date. As is tradition at Cookridge, to mark Remembrance Day next Friday 11th November, we are inviting all Cubs, Scouts and Brownies to wear their uniform to school for the day.

Books in school

Miss Fowler and I have been very busy evaluating the current reading materials in school and identifying our gaps. We have today taken delivery of our first order of brand new, fantastic quality and phonically decodable guided reading materials and are very keen to get the stock organised and in use as soon as possible! Across this year, we also plan to enhance the quality of books which the children take home as part of the reading scheme and re-vamp the library to provide contemporary, eye catching and appealing books for our little readers. We are very excited about this significant investment and the impact that this will have upon both the children’s developing skills and love of reading.

Welfare Benefits

I have received the following information from the Leeds Welfare Rights Team which I am keen to share...

In the current economic climate more and more people are struggling to cope. Household incomes are reducing, utility and food prices are increasing yet many people are still not claiming all the benefits they are entitled to.  The Welfare Rights Team are here to help – we can carry out a comprehensive benefit check and help you to make a claim for any benefits you may be entitled to.   We can talk to you over the phone or see you at a local surgery.
If you don’t ask you won’t know – Don’t lose out claim it!
Call us today on 0113 3760452
Cookridge Village Scouts Group Bonfire Night – Pinfold Lane

The Scouts Group Bonfire Night will take place on Saturday November 5th at 6.30pm. Please note that car parking facilities are not available at the Scout Hut. The event is free of charge and refreshments are available.
Dates for next half term:-
Monday 7th November                Training Day – school closed
Tuesday 8th November               Class 4 & 5 visiting the Danelaw Centre
Thursday 10th November            Friends Annual General Meeting – 6pm
Wednesday 23rd November        Coffee morning
Friday 9th December                  Reception and Year 1 Christmas Concert ‘We Three Kings’ - 2pm
Monday 12th December              Friends Christmas Bazaar - 3.50pm to 5pm
Tuesday 13th December          Year 4, 5 & 6 Christmas Concert – 2pm and 7pm
Wednesday 14th December     Year 2 & 3 Christmas Concert – 2pm

Thursday 15th December        Christmas parties – pm
Friday 16th December             Christmas Toy Giving Assembly – 9am
                                                Christmas Carols around the tree – 2.30pm
                                                School closes for Christmas holiday
Tuesday 3rd January               School reopens after Christmas holiday
Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Bailey