Friday 18 November 2011

Friday 18th November 2011

Dear Parents/Carers,

The M&M theatre group were in school on Tuesday and performed ‘Robin Hood’ for 300 excited children. It was an absolute pleasure to see the children’s mesmerised, delighted and sometimes stunned faces take in the whole experience.. It truly was an all-singing all dancing spectacular!  Many children have approached me to tell me what a fabulous show it was and I am hopeful that your child has told you something about the performance that they enjoyed. We will definitely be having a pantomime as part of our seasonal celebrations each year and we are already looking forward to next year’s show!

Thank you

Since September, you have supported both the school and the local community in many different ways and it is time to acknowledge your great generosity. Since my arrival in September you have raised £204.00 for school through the Scholastic Book Fair, provided Harvest gifts which have supplied 8000 breakfasts, 15000 lunches and 5000 emergency food parcels across the community and today contributed £265.70 to Children in Need. Thank you also to Lewis Bird in Class 9 who raised £68.07 for the Poppy Appeal by selling his customised designer glitter poppies and metal pin poppies throughout the school. We have not yet heard  how much the school raised selling poppies – we will inform you once we have. There are a generous number of parent volunteers working in school to support our children and I have also had the pleasure of reading almost 100 completed questionnaires – the details of which I will be sharing with you soon.  I am grateful that you are so passionate about our school and our community that you are freely giving of your time and money. Thank you!

Parent Governor Ballot Results

My thanks to both parents who put themselves forward for the role of parent governor and to those parents who returned their ballot papers. Mrs Kurdee was duly elected and will take her position on the Governing Body at the next full meeting in January. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Kurdee to her new role.

Christmas Toy Assembly

As is tradition at Cookridge, we will be holding a Christmas Toy assembly in partnership with Leeds YMCA. This is an opportunity for our children to donate a toy or game (in good condition though not necessarily new) to support needy families in this area of Leeds and is one which we are very keen to continue to support. Our Christmas Toy Assembly this year will be on the morning of Wednesday 7th December. Please note this is a different date to that previously notified.

Coffee morning

Our next coffee morning is next Wednesday 23rd November. If you have a spare half an hour once you have dropped your children safely into school, please do join us in the community room for coffee and a biscuit. This is a great opportunity for you to meet other parents and discuss things that matter to you with me and Mrs Laycock, our Learning Mentor.  We very much look forward to catching up with you then.

Christmas Performances

Early rehearsals of the much anticipated Christmas Performances are about to begin. I am sure that you are very much looking forward to the performances and I know that for the children this is a real highlight to the school year and to their primary school experience. This year, Reception and Class 1 will be jointly presenting ‘We Three Kings’, Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be presenting ‘Christmas around the World’ and Classes 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be presenting a concert – all dates below. Can I ask that any parents who do not wish their child to take part in the performances advise us as soon as possible.


Our first ‘chance’ award winners will be announced in assembly on Monday. Any child who has achieved 100% attendance each week will be entered into a raffle draw and may well win a coveted prize! Please continue to support us in ensuring that our attendance figures remain at least good.

In order to assure a ‘satisfactory’ outcome in line with the 2009 Ofsted Framework for Inspections, an overall attendance figure of 94% is satisfactory.

Whole school attendance Thursday 10th November - Wednesday 16th November:   96.2%

Funtime Xmas Holidays Cover 2011

We are looking at the possibility of opening on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December this year for Xmas cover. If you need any childcare for these 2 days then please obtain a form from the Funtime After School Club or the office this week. Completed forms need to be returned with a deposit of £10 per child by next Friday 25th November to Ann Sadler at Funtime.

Fees are as follows: -

·         £12.50 - ½ Day (7.45am to 1pm/1pm – 5.45pm)

·         £21.00 – Full Day

If we do not get sufficient bookings by this date then we will not open for Christmas cover on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December.  It is necessary to make this decision as during October half term there were very low numbers of parents using the holiday club. Childcare vouchers accepted.

Dates for next half term:-

Wednesday 23rd November                   Coffee morning

Friday 9th December                              Reception & Class 1 Christmas Concert ‘We Three Kings’ – 2pm

Monday 12th December                          Friends Christmas Bazaar - 3.05pm to 5pm

Tuesday 13th December                         Year 4, 5 & 6 Christmas Concert – 2pm and 7pm

Wednesday 14th December                    Year 2 & 3 Christmas Concert – 2pm

Thursday 15th December                        Christmas parties – pm

Wednesday 7th December                      Christmas Toy Giving Assembly – 9am

Friday 16th December                             Christmas Carols around the tree – 2.30pm

                                                                School closes for Christmas holiday

Tuesday 3rd January                               School reopens after Christmas holiday

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Bailey