Friday 20 June 2014

Friday 20th June 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Time is flying by at a ridiculous speed and we now have just 4 full school weeks through to the end of another school year. Your teaching team are busy compiling end of year assessments and putting the finishing touches to end of year reports which will be with you soon. There is much to celebrate at the end of a school year and we look forward to sharing that with you in the coming weeks…


Poetry Slam Competition – Finals!

Sooooo – all week, children right across school have been performing the poems they have learned ‘off by heart’ to their classmates and peers in our first ever Poetry Slam. It has been a fantastic event and we have been absolutely blown away with the quality of the performances – it is SO very, very brave to stand up and perform in front of all your friends! We now have a complete line up in our Summer Fair Grand Slam event, which will be held at 3pm on Saturday. Grand finalists representing their phases are:


Harriet Stanley
Callum Raven
Arghavan Afsharsi
Misk Ismail
Lexi Albentosa
Rebecca Harrison
Willow Driscoll-Duke
Teisier Jabor


Congratulations to everyone who learned a poem, performed a poem or even just read a poem during the last few weeks! You have all been amazing and we’ve enjoyed the competition so far.. Good luck to all our finalists tomorrow – it will be a very hard one to judge on the day!


Summer Fair

Don’t forget – tomorrow is the event of the school calendar with our Summer Fair open from 2pm. Please make some time to pop in and see us all – if only for half an hour or so. My huge and grateful thanks to everyone who has contributed a bottle, a toy, a book, a CD, some chocolate, gifts, cakes or buns throughout the week – your contribution means that our Summer Fair will be the usual magnificent affair and I cannot wait to see you there!


Extreme Readers

A bunch of intrepid readers set off to Waterstones in Leeds on Monday to make a very fine selection of books that will be arriving in our glorious library soon. Remember, all ‘Extreme Reader’ books are marked with a special sticker on the inside front cover which declares who chose that particular book for our library – what a lovely legacy to leave! Thank you to all our readers who made very careful selections on Monday… And it’s not over yet! On Monday, Miss Fowler will set off with another group of children recognised for their brilliant efforts in reading to select their books. The library – and our love of books – goes from strength to strength and no wonder: these books are magnificent!


Garden News

We are having some very busy days up in the allotment – if you haven’t seen it lately, be sure to walk past it and admire the handiwork of the staff, the parents and the children. KS1 are tackling digging, weeding, composting, sewing seeds and watering as part of their ‘Gardener’s World’ topic – as well as finding time to admire the beasts and bugs up there! A wonderful group of parents have congregated and shown their dedication in transforming the space into an area that the children can cultivate for many years ahead – their enthusiasm is contagious and having a magical effect on the area. There are photo updates on the blog and on twitter… Keep abreast of things there and if you want to get involved during the summer months, let us know!



The Tesco Uniform Embroidery Service.

We have sourced a different way for parents  to buy our school uniform, so that you don’t have to queue at the office any longer desperately trying to get your hands on the necessary kit! We are now live on the Tesco website so that you can go online and order all of our uniform including the sweatshirt, cardigan, polo shirt, P.E. t-shirt, book bag and P.E. bag with the school logo on. The prices are good (lower than our previous suppliers!), the quality is great (samples available to see in the school office) and your uniform will be delivered straight to your door, free of charge – easy! School will also receive 5% of all sales donated back to school so everyone’s a winner!

All parents have to do is go to and order from there. We value your feedback so please let us know if anyone requires assistance in placing their orders. My thanks to our wonderful Miss Crabtree for sourcing this fantastic service for us!


Next week we will finally reveal the complete list of 100%ers who have earned their seat on the bus for their superb attendance. In line with our policy, remember, there are 10 additional seats reserved.. Not for the adults BUT for 10 children whose name will be pulled out of the Chancer raffle. All those with attendance between our target 96% and 99.9% will be entered – so good luck to you all! This week it’s Class 3 who have nailed it again… Well done Class 3: Bourbon loves you all!


National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
12/06/2014  -18/06//2014
Year to date
04/09/2013 – 18/06/2014
Class attendance figures for the W/E  18/06/2014
Rec A
Rec B
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9


Summer 2 Events

Next week’s key events include:

Monday 23rd  June
Miss Fowler’s “Extreme Readers”
trip to Waterstones (am)
Tuesday 24th June
Y6 Pirate Maths event @ RTHS.
Wednesday 25th  June
Y6 Bikeability
5.30 Little Sunshines
Annual General
Thursday 26th June
Y6 Bikeability
1.15 OPAL afternoon tea - choir performance in school  (+ Y6 catering)
Friday 27th June
Y6 Bikeability


Next Friday, you will be receiving lots of letters including your child’s class allocation letter detailing which class your child will be in during the next phase of their journey.  There will also be an opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher during an informal get-together at the end of the ‘Class Swap’ day on the 8th July – so put the date in your diary and come along, if you can.



Have a wonderful weekend – I hope to see many of you on Saturday!  

Mrs Bailey