Thursday 5 June 2014

Friday 6th June 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to our final half term of the school year. The sun hasn’t shone BUT that hasn’t dampened the spirits of the Cookridge crew, who have enjoyed a fun filled week regardless of the June wind and rain..
Incredible Homework
I have been seriously impressed with the sheer quality of homework I’ve seen pouring into school this week. We have some very talented children – and parents – who really do go that extra mile when it comes to home learning! Keep up the great work, guys… Have a look at this small sample of the brilliance:
Lucy Bannister you're amazing!!

 Gina Warrior - scrumdidliumptious!
Paige, Dana and Sam - wonderful worlds!

All hands on deck at the Allotment
Yesterday afternoon, a brilliant team proved that many hands make light work as they took the allotment on. This team effort has very much complimented the determined work of a handful of dedicated parents in recent weeks, whose dedication, knowledge and expertise is proving invaluable to the staff team. The garden area is now fit for purpose and next week the children will be back in the soil putting their green fingers to work… On behalf of the children, I wholeheartedly thank the staff and parents who gathered today to really ‘make a difference’ to our school. Wonderful!


A Musical Voyage…
On Wednesday the school were treated to a musical journey around the world, when two lovely talented ladies from our music providers YMES, visited our school in the afternoon to perform two concerts for the younger and older children. They brought a variety of stringed instruments and played different pieces of music from countries such as Spain, Italy, Ireland and America. Children `travelled` on different forms of transport,, of course with a musical accompaniment! The children loved the experience; in particular some of the younger children enjoyed learning about the different stringed instruments, Summer, in reception said afterwards "I loved the sound of the cello, when I`m a bit bigger I would really like to play one!"​
Y6 writing = officially brilliant!
It is not every year that teacher assessment of Y6 writing which is reported to the DFE is ‘moderated’ by an external body, but this year was our ‘time to shine’. On Tuesday, we were visited by the moderator whose role it was to check the teachers judgements of each of our Y6 writers was secure and in line with all Y6 teachers nationally. I’m delighted to confirm the team were commended for their teamwork and collaboration, for their accurate judgements and also for the sheer quality of the writing our children have produced across the year. The children have worked incredibly hard this year and so it is especially wonderful to have the opportunity to celebrate our children in this context: well done Y6 – we are so proud!

Our whole school attendance figure remains above our target Class 2. It is time to book those bouncy castles so if anyone knows precisely WHICH day I can guarantee sunshine, please let me know! We also need to start totting up exactly how many buses we will need for the annual cinema trip for our 100%ers.. Not long now! Class 2 have brought Bourbon home this week with a fabulous 98.7%


National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
22/05/2014  -04/06//2014
Year to date
04/09/2013 – 04/06/2014
Class attendance figures for the W/E  04/06/2014/2014
Rec A
Rec B
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
Centre Stage Academy

Centre Stage Academy in Yeadon have been in touch to share details of their summer school programs, for those of you with budding singers, dancers or actors/actresses amongst you. This great opportunity to make new friends and learn new skills includes:-

Week 1: 4th-8th August

A week of dance, drama, singing and FUN (including a Friday Showcase) based on Matilda. Events run from 10-4pm each day, although children can arrive as early as 8.15am and be collected at 6pm.

Week 2: 11th-15th August

A week of dance, drama, singing and FUN (including a Friday Showcase) based on Disney’s Frozen, Toy Story and Tangled.

Discounts are available for siblings or if both weeks are booked. To book a place or get further information please call Carol on 07763 389063 or email


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Bailey