Friday 21 December 2012

Friday 21st December 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

As the end of term draws to a close, it’s opportune to reflect on just what a great term it has been. It’s fair to say that whilst a great deal of fun has been had by all, there has been some powerful learning in school throughout the past 15 weeks. Every day in school brings new opportunities to develop new skills - be they academic, creative or social - and I feel blessed to have over 300 beautiful children at Cookridge who wholeheartedly throw themselves into every experience with zest, enthusiasm and determination. Our role as teachers is a pleasure and a privilege whilst ever this is the case, and success is inevitable. So, I begin the final newsletter of this half term with a huge thank you to the people who make our school great – your children. This is, however, a newsletter of many thanks!

Christmas Fayre
On Tuesday, our annual Christmas Fayre was a great success. The Friends did a wonderful job in their preparations for the event and their hard work ensured it went off without a hitch. Special thank-you’s to our new Co-Chairs of the PTA Rebecca Herbert and Michael Land, to our new secretary Barbara Nixon, to our new Treasurer (who counteth the pennies!) Dave Nixon, to our wonderful grotto designer Wendy Bannister, to Friends everywhere who gave of their time and of course to Santa, who made time in his busy schedule to come along and support our Fayre once again. I am also very grateful to parents who donated chocolate, bottles and raffle prizes, and who took the time to visit the stalls and spend a pound or two. Final thank you’s to staff, all of whom supported the Fayre brilliantly in their creation of Christmas cards, crafts and games... What stars you all are! We raised a grand total of £1031.25 - an incredible amount - and Friends will meet with our School Council in the New Year to begin the conversation about how the children would like to spend the monies raised across this year... More news on future Friends events coming soon: it’s going to be an exciting year!

Baby News!
I am delighted to share Mr and Mrs Smith’s happy news. Baby Maisie was born early on Sunday morning, weighing a delicate 6lb10oz. She is absolutely gorgeous (of course) and we are really looking forward to seeing both Mrs Smith and Maisie in school soon. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Smith – enjoy your first Christmas together!

Christmas Writing Competition
Last week in assembly, we shared a Christmas themed story. Not THE Christmas story, but ‘Jingle Bells’, a Nick Butterworth story about two mice and THAT cat. During that assembly, I invited the children to celebrate their skills as a writer by writing their own Christmassy themed story where anything MIGHT happen. Many children are keen to do so, and our first writing competition has been born! Closing date for entries is Monday 7th January – our first day back – and the winning entries will be shared in assembly, on the website and a PRIZE awarded. Do encourage your child to think about entering the competition – excitement about writing is just one of the ways we are seeking to improve standards in writing across school, and your help in doing that would be much appreciated! From January, we will also be nominating ‘writers of the week’ to keep talking about writing high profile across school.

Leeds Ahead’s Make the Grade Programme
We took delivery this week of boxes full of free books: now THAT doesn’t happen every day! These were a gift from various businesses supporting Leeds Ahead’s Make the Grade Programme and are aimed at encouraging Y5 pupils to read more before their important SAT’s Year. The books are fantastic quality and we are very grateful for the gift. If you are aware of any other sources of free books or equipment for schools – including schemes you are aware of through your own place of work – then please do let us know. School funding is dwindling... Our desire to provide the best resources and materials for our children is not!

Message from the Chair of Governors
As 2012 draws to a close, I wanted to bid all our families “Happy Christmas” on behalf of the school Governing Body. It is important, periodically, that I relay to many different sectors of the school community my appreciation for their individual contributions to our school. First of all, I recognise the hard work of the staff of Cookridge Primary School, a staff who consistently demonstrates their commitment to our children. Specifically, I want to thank staff for their hard work during the Nativity performances we have recently enjoyed. I thank fellow Governors for their support and acknowledge the many hours of time each individual contributes to this role. I would also like to thank you – the parents’ - for your hard work in the past year. We have been glad of your support of the school improvement agendas including attendance, of your efforts to support your child’s learning through reading and homework and of your support to the school by coming along to parent meetings and events. On my many visits to school, I have been impressed with the children at Cookridge and would also like to commend them for their achievements this year: well done and keep it up. We must each keep up our hard work and determination so that we may continue to see rapid improvements in our school during 2013. Best wishes for the New Year.

Vijay Sharma

Oh my – we have some work to do! For 13 weeks, we maintained good levels of attendance and kept ahead of our 96% attendance target for 2012-13. The past two weeks, however, have brought incredibly high levels of illness absence which have impacted massively on our year to date figure, reducing it to 95% and the lowest it has been since I joined the school. Fortunately, this figure can – and must! – improve as we move into 2013. Please throw the bugs out with the Christmas trees, and let’s start the New Year afresh – we need some outstanding attendance going forward if we are to get back to 96% overall.

This week, 77 children received their 100% attendance certificate for this term and today each child brings home this terms attendance letter – green, amber or red. To receive a green letter, children have met or exceeded the school target so far this year: well done. There is still opportunity for all children to get themselves a green letter - and to earn a 100% attendance certificate - next term. Wouldn’t it be great to be awarding closer to 300 children certificates for this incredible achievement?

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
A 87.6 %
B 88.0 %
We return to school on Monday 7th January 2013 – please be well and please be there!

Finally, have a fantastic holiday and a wonderful Christmas. Let me end 2012 by wishing you all a Happy New Year: 2013 is going to be a very, very good year!

Mrs Bailey