Friday 7 December 2012

Friday 7th December 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

Another eventful week in school has seen our first ever Christmas Crafts event in Reception, children participating in a rugby tournament, a whole school pantomime, children visiting Cookridge Methodist Church to decorate ‘our’ tree, children performing at the Leeds Town Hall AND today we have all been dressed in red for the day on behalf of LGI’s Children’s Heart Unit. Just an ordinary week at Cookridge! On Saturday, our inter-generational choir will be making their debut at the Methodist Church, and of course next week brings the opportunity for EVERYONE to get up on stage and strut their stuff in our Christmas performances....

LGI SOS - Save our Surgery
Thanks to all children and parents who have dressed in red and donated their pocket money towards this worthwhile cause. Governors also nominated this as the charity they would be supporting this year and have been generous in their donations. We will tot up our total and let you know how much was raised by next week.

Reception Christmas Crafts
We have been delighted to welcome into school this week all our Reception mums, dads and even grandparents who have put time aside to come into school for an afternoon and make decorations with their child. The event was even supported by Starbucks, the Village, who supplied a barista and coffee for the afternoons. It was wonderful to see parents, teachers and children work side by side to create not only fantastic quality tree decorations that I’m confident will hang proudly on some trees for well over a decade (!) but also really memorable learning experiences for our children – they will not forget the day that mum, dad or grandma came into school so thanks very much for playing your part! Thanks also to the Reception team for getting this organised – Miss Hobson, Mrs Fletcher, Mrs Arnott, Mrs Riley and Mrs Colefax really are doing some wonderful things together this year!
LMSA Town Hall Concert
Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Dawson led a contingent of Y56 pupils in their participation in the annual Town Hall Concert on Tuesday night. Our children sang beautifully and the performance was truly spectacular. These opportunities to stand up and perform in front of literally hundreds of people are rare moments in anyone’s life and it is incredible that our 10 and 11 year olds have the confidence to do so. Enormous thanks to Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Dawson who have dedicated hours of their own time to attend rehearsals with our choristers – without such dedicated staff these kind of experiences would not be possible.

Our inter-generational choir also makes its debut on Saturday. This is a new initiative led by Mrs Fletcher who has actively encouraged local, ‘older generation’ folk to come into school and sing with our children. It is beautiful to see, and sounds pretty good too! The choir will be performing from 11.40am on Saturday, and have a whole set to do. Good luck to them all!

Twitter, blogs and all that stuff!
Our Twitter account is growing, with daily tweets about our school days here . If you haven’t already, have a look or – even better – become a follower for frequent updates about our school. We’ve got just 12 followers to date – I’m ambitious for more though so get on board!

The blogs are also a great way of keeping up to date and seeing for yourself what is happening in your child’s class. Every class in school now has a blog and there are some amazing ones with almost daily posts, photos and links to online learning for your child. Again – have a look! They’re really rather good....  My blog also includes the newsletter each week, in case ‘pupil post’ should fail on any one Friday! It now has over 10,000 hits and a steady stream of ‘traffic’ every single day, and is just one of the ways we aim to provide information for parents. If any parents have searched the website or blogs for information that is not – as yet – provided, please drop me an email and let us know.

So far this half term, each of our team point teams have earned over 1500 team points each, since September 170 children have earned their bronze award (25 team points) and 36 children have earned their silver award (100 team points) and every day I award around 20 Head teacher awards to those children who have secured ‘5 team points in any one day’. Our job in school every day is punctuated by taking the time to recognise when children are making the right choices and meeting the Cookridge Code – rule number one of which is simply ‘be the best that we can be’. It is testament to the calibre of our young people that we are awarding in excess of 6000 team point each half term. If each team point is awarded with individual acts of industriousness, effort, politeness, kindness or friendship – that’s a whole lot of ‘good’ slushing around our school!

Next week, the time has come for each class to nominate their class Learnatic for this half term – highly prestigious recognition for the children awarded by the people that matter: their peers. Good luck to all of you, and I look forward to our pizza lunch on that final Tuesday.

Pre-school assistant required
Pre-school are looking for an assistant and invite applicants from within our community. The post is full time, 8.30 – 3.00 Mon-Fri. If you are interested, please contact pre-school for more information and an application form.

Christmas Dinner
Our school meals service continues to go from strength to strength, with more pupils and staff taking school dinners every day than ever before. Next Thursday 13th December is Christmas Dinner day – so if your child has signed up for a one-off school lunch don’t forget to take a day off the lunchbox routine!

Our Friday Friends group were busy today, getting practical and creative in the run up to the Christmas Fayre. It is wonderful for the Friends group to be finding new membership and new momentum and I am sure that the Fayre and future events will be magnificent.

Don’t forget – next Friday is the day to bring in donations of bottles, chocolate and gifts for the stalls and tombolas. Next Friday is a non-uniform event to mark this occasion - so bring your goodies in readiness for the Fayre - it is only a staggering 11 days away! See the Friends blog for more details and if you want to come along to Friday Friends – please do! I am delighted to announce that Cameron Palmer (Class 9) and Alya Nadheri (Class 3) are the winners of our Christmas Fayre poster competition – Congratulations and well done girls!

Sports News
On Wednesday, a team of 12 children from Year 5/6 travelled up to a freezing Broadgate Primary to compete in a Leeds Rhinos Tag Rugby Tournament against other local schools. We narrowly missed out on a semi-final spot after two losses and solitary win. Notable performances came from Elliott Coultas, Darcy Bucknell, Taylor Barron and Sarah Khalfan. The man of the tournament, from our perspective, was Liam Jones. He scored 8 out of our 9 tries, was ferocious in defence and was an excellent and inspirational captain on the field. A BIG well done to you all!

Our first terms 100% attendance certificates will be awarded on 17th December – keep up the good work if you are still in the running! Attendance this week is the lowest it has been this academic year, a fact which sadly immediately impacts on our year to date figure. Please help us to maintain higher levels of attendance by ensuring your child is in school unless they are too ill to do so – children can still attend school if suffering a common cough and cold, and medicines can be administered during the school day if your child is on the tail end of an illness that has required penicillin to aid recovery – just see Mrs Hyde in the school office.

National Minimum ‘Good’ Expectation
Attendance this week
Year to date
Class attendance figures for this week are:-
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
A 90.9 %
B 92.7 %
86.9 %
96.0 %
93.9 %
98.2 %
96.6 %
91.3 %
97.0 %
97.6 %
99.3 %
Next week’s performances:

It’s finally arrived – performance week! Don’t miss your child performing next week :

Reception production: Friday 14th December 2pm-3pm

KS1 Christmas production: Tuesday 11th December 2pm-3pm

LKS2 Christmas production: Wednesday 12th December 2pm-3pm and Thursday 13th December 6pm-7pm

UKS2 Christmas production Wednesday 12th December 6pm-7pm and Thursday 13th December 2pm-3pm

Next Wednesday 12th December @ 9am is also our next date for the coffee morning. Come along – you might just enjoy yourself and if I don’t know you by now: I should!


Have a wonderful weekend,


Mrs Bailey