Friday 7 December 2012

Look who's in charge!

Having popped next door for a few minutes, I returned to my office to find THIS hive of activity!

The Year 1 and 2 children had really settled and got stuck into some very important work - running the school.

I was thrilled to see Honey in charge: with Miss Carr as Head teacher, and Miss Turner as Assistant Headteacher - Cookridge Primary is in safe hands!
Edie had been to see me earlier in the week to proudly show me her writing. I could not believe how much Edie's writing has improved in just 12 short weeks in Year 2: wowsers - it's amazing! And this is Honey's maths... Subtracting two digit numbers already?!
Keep up the hard work guys and one day you COULD well enjoy the privilege of Head ship.... or you MIGHT be the Prime Minister!